The Alone...Me (part 7)

Well finally its just about over...and I won't be alone anymore... next week I fly to London and will join up with my beautiful wife and we will holiday together in Europe.

in the meantime I want to tell you....that I have survived and I have changed while she has been away.

I know that God has been changing Jules also, what a re-union we are going to have together , just getting to know each other (the new us) when we rejoin next week.   woohoo

yesterday at our church, was kind of like a sign of what has happened inside me...

you can check out the preaching at this following  link, if you are interested and have a spare half an hour.

Right now, in me, God is refining me, renewing me,shaping me, rebuking me and correcting me, and its all good.

it needed to be done....  sigh.

I am determined..
I am decided..
I am deliberate..
I am dangerous...            to the enemy (at least)

for I know the pain of defeat and the distraction that the devil brings and it has defeated me in the past, but I am now over it and back on track, and am  so defiant in the face of my adversity.

I know full well I am going to cop it after preaching the message I just preached, but was totally gob smacked by the support and unity amongst the church , called Salvos 3064.

I was so blessed yesterday as my leadership team gathered around me, after the service, laid hands on me and prayed for me and my family, to be protected and blessed,     and we are.

and then there was last night when God just moved so powerfully amongst us,  I almost audibly heard Him say  "just watch what I can do",.... it actually made me giggle, when I saw Him move...   He is awesome.

so what lays before me, only He really knows... but what lays ahead of our church will be outrageous as He moves even greater still over the next month or so....

I will blog again, maybe even while I am away,...but maybe not too....I will be resting it up and enjoying the break, I promise to share my pics on facebook and share my journey as well so you can join with us in some small way...wish I could take you all with us..  ( truly I do....hahahah)

stay focused on Jesus.
keep praying and believing
keep reading your bible
keep worshiping and

make sure you get to church on Sundays and gather with like minded people...

God is Good.


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