The final..alone me... Conclusion.

In just a couple of days I will be re-united with the beautiful Jules.

However, I am struggling tonight with the feelings I have, and the thoughts. I feel like the enemy has pulled out all stops again, against me...

It's been a good day, good crowds in church in both services, holidays approach, and yet Satan is still trying to sow seeds of doubt and fear and abandonment into me.

It's been 2 months alone, and I am unsure it's a totally good concept.

Perhaps In a few months time, it will all be forgotten, however it is all a bit real tonight and all a bit weird. I don't like it. I don't like what I am feeling.

God has been at work in my heart. And my mind. I am changed. Big things have happened in me.

I have coped ok, but the truth is I have just missed her too much... And yeah I know it's just a few more short days, and yes it is... But it doesn't change what is being thrown at me right now...

She is not like me. She doesn't make the same mistakes I make. Yet I am, fearful.

I need to relax on this holiday and I feel like these last few days are the slowest of them all so far.

That's what Satan does isn't it ? Tell you lies. Deceive you. Scare you. Wound you where it hurts most ?

Make you think your not good enough, remind you of your past... Point out your failures...

I hate what Satan does.
Tempts, teases, lies, deceives, tricks, confuses, scares, tries to kill your dream.

Well it hurts at the moment, but I will rise above this....I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I AM a new creation, the old me has gone.

All the lies and fears will not change the truth that I am saved, set free and being used by the Lord God almighty.


We are in a battle.
The stakes are extremely high.
Satan has snipers out to kill us off, one by one.
But those who hope in the Lord will rise above it.

For my friends who feel like I do tonight....

Do not fear, let us remind ourselves and each other...

That greater is He who is inside our heart..Than he that is in the world.
We have been redeemed.
Satan is already defeated.

Stand firm...armoured up.

And in the morning, His faithfulness and mercies will be new again.

And yes, Val, my new blogs in March will be "the back together us" included as we go through Europe.


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