My Confidence...

Be Confident in God

Jesus knew where He came from, He knew what He was sent to do, and He knew where He was going. When you get that confidence of knowing God and His purpose for your life, you will not be affected by the judgments or criticisms of other people.

You know you belong to God. You know His hand is on you. You know His anointing is on you. You know what you are called to do. You know that with every breath you take, you are trying to follow Him, and you know where you are going when you are all finished. Say, "Nothing that happens today can separate me from God's love and His purpose for my life."

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

I read this, this morning during my quiet time, and I felt my whole spirit just lift... its true for me, Jesus is my confidence.

there is much to fear in this world, but with Jesus, there is nothing to fear really.

the future, physically,humanly..... looks uncertain...

the future, spiritually is guaranteed...I am SUPER DUPER CONFIDENT OF THAT.

Jesus is already in my future.

He already knows what will happen in my life, and is carefully mapping out my every step. and where I may tend to get off track, He is already there guidng , shaping, leading.

I am confident today of that.

I do not put my confidence in humans easily, they have a habit of letting you down, getting it wrong, even myself, sometimes I get it wrong (gasp, shock horror)

but when I find a Godly man, a Godly women, its easier to trust them, because you can see Jesus shining through them, and when they are leaders above you, its even better still.

My confidence is in Jesus Christ.

My Faith is firmly established upon Him.

I trust Him. I trust the leaders that He has positioned above me at this time, that they will listen to the voice of my God as they lead in His kingdom.

the other day, my mentor spoke into my life, he encouraged me, edified me, blessed me, spoke truth into my heart, and I am humbled, but I have inner peace in my spirit because of the people living for Jesus around me these days.

my confidence is well placed these days.

Can barely wait to see what Jesus does next.


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