Do you ever get Angry ?

Anger... a bad thing, ? 


but maybe also a good thing ... ???

I am a bit angry right now... I feel like I have been served up some stuff that I don't deserve, been shortchanged, shafted .  (I am not the only one to feel it at the moment)

Injustice makes me angry.

other things make me angry and I realise that they shouldn't,
but sometimes I feel just and right (like now) that my anger is rightfully placed.

sometimes people around you just don't get it , do they ?

they say they are on your side, but really they are not. They are secretly shafting you,  and everything you have worked so hard to build, is up for grabs.

Well in some cases the writing is definitely on the wall................

and time will tell....   


 "time always tells".

here's the deal.... 

I have done everything I can to set up some pretty neat concepts for the future.

I am pretty sure, no one else has ever done that before.

Some have accepted it, and others have simply shelved it under the too hard basket and filed it, ignoring it, hoping it might just go away.

Isn't that what we all do at times ?

but the thing that makes me angry with righteous anger, (which I feel I cannot express in any way shape or form and in any other forum than perhaps here, which may prove also to be a dangerous place to share it)


is the fact that there appears to be forces at work against us, where there shouldn't be,                         where it should be for us, it feels like its not.

instead of support,  it's criticism.
instead of  working for you, its working against you.
instead of recognizing that we are on the same team, its like we are enemies.


what is with  all that ?

its not the way of the Kingdom that's for sure,
and that should make all Christian leaders stop and look and listen.

my anger will subside, it always does, and I am sorry for being so cryptic,  but  that's just how it needs to be right now.

I am just fed up with seeing really good, Godly people being shafted, abused, ridiculed, criticized, and walked all over, by others, who should know better..

and before you try and put 1 and 1 together and get 2... ?

you will be so wrong - so don't bother...

on a positive note: here's what I also believe about this anger thing...

if it is managed and rightfully placed, it can change the world.

some things in this world need to be changed,and challenged and it needs rightoeus indignation to do so.

our enemy is reeking  havoc on this world, he has pulled out all the stops against TSA, and what else should we expect... ?

we have made our stand  on a few hot potato issues...
we went into his camp and prayed for people to be saved and they were...

he's angry.... and we should be angry at him........
for what he has done to humanity, in selling the lie that so many in and out side of the church have bought.

it isn't going to get any easier  I don't think.... probably only harder......

but if something inside us doesnt rise up and fight, we will by default be fought and we will lose.

its sad when you  sense you are being shafted, but the Word says we should rejoice amid our sufferings and hardships, and even though thats easier to read than to practice, nevertheless it's true.

God called me.

I said Yes.

I haven't changed my mind.

I signed a Covenant.

and I haven't changed my mind about that either.

the war is fierce, but I believe, we have already won this war.

so I am standing firm, with my resolve rock solid,
I am just going to keep doing what He asked me to do,

.......even if some don't like it.

I am Gary Grant, I am unique, the bible says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, it says that all my days were written in His book  and that God has ordained for me, my every step.

I am a unique individual, I don't see myself as better or worse than others, I am just trying to be who He has called me to be.

To do the work I was called to do, I needed to be different to the norm...  that has set me up to be misunderstood and criticized, I never dreamed that would happen, but it has, be it.

I am 52 years of age, I have less hair today than I did 20 years ago, but here's some thing else, I have more passion for the Bride of Christ and my God, than I did 20 years ago.

I have failed, and fallen, and repented, and confessed, and been restored, 

I have walked a fine line to see things happen  that maybe wouldn't have normally happened if  I had played it safe.

I will always be out there, because I am not satisfied with the status quo...

I will always be at odds with the worldly and the institutional ways and will most likely always get angry, because I hold values in my life which I firmly believe are just and right, maybe even old fashioned...    values like common courtesy, love and respect, forgiveness and  fairness.  (heaps of others as well)

I don't agree that we should just maintain a system, for the sake of maintenance and tradition, if it doesn't work anymore, you should chuck it out and find the thing that does work, and be a world changer.

I value our past, but want to embrace the future. 

I don't expect that everyone will agree with me.                      that's just life.

I am resolved to do and be who God wants me to be, rather than what  humanity may want of me.

I will die one day, and I will bow before My King and my only desire in this life is to hear Him say to me......  

Gary Grant....!?! 
well done,  good and faithful servant.    You did good.


  1. Amen! Yes time always tells (1 Corinthians 3:10-14). Gary, I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me! Thank you for your great faith and passion!


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