I just hate it...

I just hate it when a person says one thing to you and a completely different thing behind your back.

I just hate it when people say yes, and actually mean or (secretly say) no.

I just hate it when people undermine the work you try to do and have worked hard for years trying to build.

I just hate it when people criticse others for the same stuff they do themselves.

its easy to do isnt it ?

but it seriously destroys the unity and faith and momentum that we try to build in our churches when people are not true.

I have found recently that sometimes this happens, from people you dont expect to see it in, and who you have placed trust in, but the sad reality which I must confess, that in my past, I also have been like this.

it is just so soul destroying...not only to the individual who cant seem to hold truth , but also to the larger group or other individual involved. ( I apologise to any I have wronged in this way in my past)

it frustrates me and confuses me, that a person can say one thing but actually not really mean it.


quite a while ago now, there was this situation which happened behind my back, in ministry, which completely shattered my trust and faith in a colleague leader. I heard about it, (you nearly always do).

sweet as you like to my face....but behind my back completely ruthless and the knife still sits in my back.

but that's life isnt it ?

that's leadership isnt it ?

yeah it is, but it just shouldn't be like that in the church.

I have discovered that the bolder you are at what you do for Christ(in the church) the more likely you are to be criticized and misunderstood and tried to be bought down a peg or too.

the bigger the risk....the bigger the opposition.


in the GHC we are asked to read certain books, and the one we are currently reading is a very quick read...less than an hour, its called..." our iceberg is melting ", and it is an interesting and enjoyable read about the truth of shrinking business, church, groups etc.

it got me thinking about our structures and barriers and blockages and where people sit and why they sit there, and what is happening, in real life, that inhibits growth and development.

could it be, that this all ties up ? that at our very core, we have an issue with letting our yes be yes and our no be no... ? that in our heart as a church and as Christ followers we are yet to fully surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ ? could it be that we actually have an integrity issue ?

is anyone brave enough like Fred the penguin to actually say it like it is ? (you will need to read the book)


the truth is I am more committed today than I have ever been to the work that I have been called to do, and the role I have been called by God to hold.

whatever that role is in my future, I havent changed my mind about my Officers Covenant, I will do, and go wherever the Lord God needs me, and do my very best to lead as well as I can.

I still believe that our best days, as a church, and as the Salvation Army, and for me as an Officer, and more specifically as a Christ follower..... that the best days are still before us.

that we still have massive ground to take back from Satan, who has sold many, in the church, a huge, audacious lie that many have believed.

I still choose to be optimistic about our future, I still believe in the Salvation Army and that God raised us and has not finished with us yet.




however, I think ( and its only my opinion) that we may need to sort out some of our words.... and actions and get them lining up....

make sure our Yes is Yes...

make sure that what we say, is actually what we believe and mean.

make sure that we are obedient to the Call of God.

make sure that what we say to a persons face, is the same as what we say behind their back, and if we cant say it to their face, then maybe it shouldnt be said to anyone else either.

I just hate it that Satan seems to be winning, and especially winning in these areas.

and I intend on doing something about it, in my little patch, in my life first.


he's been defeated hasnt he ? (satan)

so.... today, can I challenege you as I commit myself again to also...

let's let....our YES be YES

and our NO be NO.

let's not slander anyone behind their back, or critize their work for the King.

let's build each other up...more and more, especially as we see the day of the Lord fast approaching.


  1. Preach it Brother. Good words and a challenge to some, and a reminder for others. Love it. God bless you mate.

  2. Amen Gary!! I feel your pain and share your resolve. Godly and courageous leadership carry's a huge price tag, one which I am prepared to pay for the sake of the Gospel and Kingdom.


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