I am believing....

I'm believing....

believing that God hasn't finished with the Salvation Army.
believing that what we see God do in other churches, that He will do in ours also
believing that we will rise up and be the Army of Salvation...and thousands will be added to the kingdom     as a result
believing that you don't need to go some place else to see God, you can see Him and feel Him and experience Him right here in our Salvo Corps
believing that our very best days are still ahead of us.
believing that God has a place for me in this Army
believing that God Called me IN...and IN is where I am staying.

I believe that the Holy Spirit is about to pour out amazing power in the Salvation Army in Australia, and frankly, I just want to be positioned and ready to be used by Him at that moment when He chooses to go "whammo" amongst us. 
bring it on Lord Jesus.
I put this as my status today,on Facebook.... here's why..
I am sad that many of the Salvos I know, and love, seem to be searching for God in places other than the Salvation Army.
I have heard that  many are on a kind of pilgrimage journey, seeking out the manifestations of God in other churches, and it saddens me that we are not praying it (HIM) into our Corps , right where God has placed us, raised us, positioned us.
I actually believe in my calling.
that God called me into the Army to make a difference, to shake  and challenge the "status quo" and usher in change, as directed and moved by His Spirit. 
I believe God raised TSA and that He hasn't finished with us just yet.
I also choose to believe, that He desires to do in us, through us, and around us, more than we ask Him to do.
 so why go seeking elsewhere, when He is right here ? 
NOW... don't get me wrong, I don't think for a minute there is anything wrong with learning from and sharing fellowship with other believers and churches, and learning what we can from each other. 
But don't short change TSA in the process, God has placed YOU Here to help shake and change TSA and make it into all He desires it to be , and simply, you cant change it from the outside, you have to be on the inside to change things.
This is not new, do you remember the old musical..." WE want a Take over Bid " ? 
What TSA needs, is  fired up, Holy Spirit annointed and filled, Passionate Soldiers and Officers who will pray and pray and pray....and seek God and allow His Spirit to be poured out amidst us.
to allow our God to do what He wills for us, HIS way, in HIS timing, using us (yep..YOU and ME) as vessels.
will we see gold dust in the sky ? or smell His aroma ? or Feel His presence move about us ? will we see Him heal the sick and save the lost ?
YES. we will .
we already have.... just read your history books.
do You think God cant do this kind of stuff in an Army Corps ? in 2012 ?
well, the real question is not about Gods ability to produce miracles, but rather your ability to believe and live out your faith.
some may take offence at ths blog...  sorry about that if you do.
I just pray and wish a few more soldiers and friends and Officers in TSA would actually start living out and being who God raised us to be in TSA instead of looking at the grass in some other paddock and think it might be better grazing some place else.
we were never meant to be grazers.... we were birthed and raised to be fighting soldiers.
are there any Soldiers/ Officers left who are  -
Sold Out on Jesus
Fired up 
Raving fans for Jesus in TSA ?
we don't need to go elsewhere, we just need to pray it in here, and watch God do amazing things amongst us, within us, around us and through us.
Send the fire again Lord, to TSA in Australia Southern, that our hearts might burn with a holy discontent and passion to see You glorified in every corps in our country. And filled to the max with people seeking Jesus.
  • Revive us Lord.
  • Renew us.
  • REV us up...
  • Revitalize us
  • we need YOU. 
               and friends, for those leaving, or thinking of leaving...           ( if we still are friends)
stop leaving and start changing things right where you are placed, by praying until something happens, right where you are positioned right now, 
by the Lord Himself. 


  1. I have had this thought for quite a while and have myself prayed to God that he would show me what I am to be in the Army and not just in the Christian Church. Thank you Gary for being a person of integrity and open to what God has placed on your heart. It's great to want it known to the world that you are in the Army because of your Calling and your faith and commitment to what God has placed on your heart. I commit your challenge to prayer. May God speak to all of his soldiers and officers to really reallign ourselves with what He has placed in our hearts and chosen us to be in his Kingdom!

  2. Wooo! Fire up Gary! A timely, prophetic word for TSA, right now. Hopefully we will not be offended by this, but grab the truth by the horns and make the most of it.
    God is stirring it up. 'The revolution now begin... Send the Fire...!'
    We witnessed a lady have a cold shoulder healed two weeks ago. She can now lift up both her arms in worship. Thanks God, that in Christ and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit you can and will do great things amongst us.


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