
It's Monday, and I have been struggling with Monday-Itis...

you know, a  Sunday hangover..?

well Yesterday was such a huge day... it may not be huge in comparison to other churches, but we don't compare ourselves to other churches,  we just compare ourselves with ourselves... you know, how we have been going lately and in relation to the same time last year etc.

so yesterday , there was 90 in our morning service and a further 50 in our afternoon youth church service.
that's not bad for us, in  the middle of winter in Melbourne.

We had around 45 people respond to the Lord Jesus after the message in the morning service and that was awesome to just see hand after hand being raised in relation to the prayer call.

I always get tired out after a day like that, but its what I live for.

I live to see people respond in faith to Jesus Christ

Yesterdays message can be heard at :

and we would encourage you to take a listen.

its all about being an extraordinary Christ follower, with extraordinary faith.

I hope one day to be called an Extraordinary Officer...

I am not interested in being ordinary.

and all I want for my life is to please my Lord and Saviour.

At times I struggle, and don't measure up to my own expectations, but one thing I can say, I am a plodder, I will keep plodding along and trying my best and striving towards what I believe God sees as extraordinary.

Yep I have Monday-itis...

but its OK,

for Sundays are my most favoiurite day and theres another one coming in just a few short days.



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