Beating your Goliaths...

Based on the message from today's sermon at S3064 church, is the content of this post. And my latest blog..

When David met Goliath in that battle zone all those years ago, its not just a story relegated to history, in my opinion.

There are some fundamental principles we can learn from and apply to our lives. 

I like how Joyce Meyer puts it, when she said that we need to not look at how big and gruesome is Goliath, but rather remind him of how greater our God is.

Whatever your Goliath issues are in life today, you need to face them with the knowledge and confidence that God is greater still than any Goliath in your life.

David took a small smooth stone and placed it into his slingshot...and shot it at the giant...

We can understand that the small smooth stone for us, is our prayers... we place them in our slingshot of faith, and shoot them up at our giant issues, problems , difficulties and blockages and watch our Goliath fall.

I believe that the historical accounts of the men and women of God,  as recorded in the bible, can teach us modern day people of God, how we can  face up to giants, our issues, our problems.

Goliath was causing huge concerns for the Israelites in those days, and today our modern day Goliath - giant- problems also cause us huge concerns and grief...

But it doesnt mean we have to remain defeated...stay put down.

We can rise above it, and instead of the Goliath taunting us and pushing us backwards, we can, like David, take our prayers and place them into play and see the Goliath fall.

Chop its head off and regain a position of victory.

Victory is there for the taking for every Christ follower in 2012...

Perhaps the reaosn why many Christians remain defeated and down, is that they don't stand in faith, armed with faith and prayer.

just a thought ...

so the next time a Goliath sized problem taunts you....

Grab a smooth stone of prayer, and with the mustard sized faith you have, let the Goliath have it ..right between the eyes.

and in case you have forgotten.....

when you hold onto Gods hand in the battle, it is impossible to be defeated.

you are a giant are not a grasshopper.

If God is for you, 
then what or who......                 
can stand against you ?


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