Salvos3064 church

A Salvo church...

I hope you don't mind me blogging this, but it's a huge part of my life, 12 years ago, Julie and I were asked to plant a Salvo church in Craigieburn, Victoria, Australia....

It's been tough going, it started with just our family and then some special friends, Jordan & Sarah coming to help us, and then we just worked hard.

Currently we have around 100 attending in the morning and 50 in the afternoon. Its no where close to what we had hoped to be by this stage but nevertheless, it's quite satisfying to have some kind of result after these long years.

I am placing a few pics here for you to see where, what it all looks like...

S3064 church/corps is a worshipping community that see's hundreds of people connected each and every week. It's Army...but we don't have bands and songster brigades, we are very contemporary and alive! And it's great fun, but it's also really hard work.

I love seeing people connect to Jesus and grow in their faith, and that's what we came here to do.



At times we have been misunderstood and criticized, and that has hurt us, but nevertheless, we just keep plodding along. Stacks of people are connecting to Jesus these days at Craigieburn Salvos, we are about to make 4 brand new soldiers...and that's exciting. ( A soldier is an official member of TSA)

You can follow us on Facebook...

"Salvos3064 - Awesome church"

That's where all the latest news and events are reported.

So, planting a Salvo church has taken a lot of energy from me, but it has been very rewarding, and If I had to,live my life over, yep I would do it again....

I never dreamed God would ask me to do this, and I have done my best. I pray He will alway receive the honour due His name in S3064 church.




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