His plans better than my dreams.

Monday Morning:

I have had a stressful weekend of personal turmoil, which God and I are dealing with together.

It's not easy, you have probably already worked it out, that I am having a tough time, well I am.

What do you do when you have a tough time ?

My last blog was fairly accurate in what I am feeling or should say, have been feeling. Today I am feeling  just a little numb as well as resigned to the Lordship of My Father, that His will be done in my life.

I have a very good friend who has helped me over the years as my mentor, (Pastor Shane Baxter) a great man of God reminded me a number of years ago and I hold it true for my life, almost as a life commandment now, and it' simple...

Purpose over Preference.

living your life with God's purpose in mind rather than my own personal preference,  is maybe easier to say than to do... but I feel my life is being tested right now on this principle.

Will I practice what I preach ?

Will I live and breathe Gods purposes, and prefer it, than living in my own personal choices ?

Sometimes we Christian leaders are good at preaching and NOT practicing what we preach, I feel God leading me these past few days in this issue.

Challenging my personal pride.
Challenging my faith.
Challenging my belief.
Challenging my hopes, and where they are grounded.

One thing I became aware of yesterday (again) during church though, that my life doesn't suck that much that I am left alone without my God. He cares for me. He loves me.  
His plans for me are better than my dreams.

I am committed to His purposes.

So here is what I feel about my life today...

  • I am still unworthy to be called to do His work.
  • I must not think of myself more highly than reality. (In other words, stay humble, I am just not that good)
  • He is all I need, so don't rely upon my own hopes, but rather look for His.
  • Sometimes I think I can do somethings, only to find out, I can't. and most likely won't.

I also think that "some" others may think I am able to do somethings, which I simply can't do anymore.

so ...

I am not in despair... I am hopeful.
I am not beaten... I will be a winner
I am not a loser,   I AM a winner.

People may think various things of me....      "BUT GOD"

But God knows my heart
But God knows my soul
But God knows my intentions

But God knows me.  ( that's all I really need)


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