Latest Salvos 3064 report...

Cant wait for Sundays worship services...tonights rehearsals were amazing, with a couple of suprises in store for all present on sunday, including new songs and new voices....I just love our church and what God is doing amongst us, make sure to keep reading below for our latest Cup Cake ministry report...if you can, get to our church on the weekend..9.45am or 4:13pm Youth church..awesome.

Brothel Visitation Report ( Cup Cake Ministry) ..thanks Lisa....

It is just amazing how God is opening the doors within the Brothel ministry, in fact not only are the doors opening, they are swinging wide open. The past few weeks, God has been providing opportunities to display His love, grace, and dispense hope, peace and encouragement to ladies that are struggling with low self esteem, abandonment, low self worth, immeasurable loneliness, depression, drug & alcohol and gambling addictions.

We have amazing privileges to be able to enter into these dark places, and shine the light of Jesus as we illuminate all the qualities of Jesus. We have the privilege of sharing the love of Christ and instilling into the ladies, a sense of self worth, and to express to them their value and that they are precious , beautiful, loved and valued.

Most of the ladies are living their lives as a lie, and constantly trying to cover the truth as to what they do, and where they are. We are privileged to have the trust of the ladies as they share their inner most secrets, things that they don’t share with anyone, not even their families.

Last week as I was confronted with seemingly wall to wall numbers of ladies, and the atmosphere of struggles, anxiousness and sadness, I was deeply confronted with the overwhelming need to be more intentional with our visitations. These women need Jesus, they need the hope of our Savior, the love of Christ, they need redemption and salvation.

The past week as I was confronted with the massive need to be more intentional, I have been praying for these ladies, although one lady in particular has been heavily on my heart all week. My intention today was to ask her to catch up for a coffee during the week, but she beat me to it. She asked me to give her my phone number, as my number is kept in the office, and she wanted it written down on a card for her to keep with her all the time. She asked if she could ring me to make time to have dinner early next week….

Totally amazing!

I love that God removes barriers between us, and that we can form relationships.

Sold out on Jesus Christians, and prostitutes sharing a meal together…awesome… not only sharing a meal but a fantastic opportunity to share the love of Jesus.

The past week I’ve been flooded with the words “come to the table”……

I love that God’s love is for ALL people, and He invites ALL His people to come to His table… yes, even a prostitute…

-Lisa Butler

Lisa is one of our team who outreach into the brothels each week, alongside women from Enjoy Church and an awesome team from our own church, our ministry is making a very real difference in some very dark places.

what a great church S3064 is becoming.



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