6 reminders for every leader/officer/pastor...

Someone said the other day that if their new Officer wasn't going to "pastor" them, then they were going to leave their church.

It reminded me that sometimes, people are fickle....  some are so demanding, others are quite passive, others are downright rude, and others just go with the flow.

Being an Officer/Pastor has its challenges, I will probably never live up to everyones expectations, and will no doubt dissappoint many along the way.  Sorry to those who I have already disappointed...... :(

But I will always do my very best at what I do.  Always.  !!!!  You will never get a half hearted , half baked effort from me.

I think there are many Officers and Pastors who would like to remind some of the fickle people along the way of their own responsibilties also.

It's all well and good for the people to demand their "rights" as sheep..... the right to be pastored and shepherded....  the right to hear great preaching, to get the worship style perfect for every single person in the congregation...all the time.... for the Officer to be available for their every need at any time of the day or night, and every other demand leveled at us....

However, because this is my blog and my thoughts I have few demands I wouldn't mind leveling back on the congregation..... ( just a thought- well 7 thoughts really, and these are not aimed at Craigieburn or even Ringwood...just generalizations that I have noticed over the past 17 years or so )   :)
1. How about turning up every week for church worship and being on time when you do .
2. What about being involved in the great commission and bring a few people to church with you. 
3. Oh Yeah, the tithing bit..... that's not a bad idea, its God's way of funding His mission on the earth.
4. Prayer meetings are notoroiusly the lowest attended meeting in most churches, it would be good to see  
    the demanding people, those precious fickle ones, turn up to pray.
5. And about sleeping through the one hour worship service, or my sermon that I prepared hours to 
   deliver...?   cant you sleep at home ? and stay awake for God for just one hour or so on a                      
   Sunday morning ?  
6. Grumpiness and backstabbing don't belong in any church.... wouldn't mind seeing that go too.
7. And yep, the final one ( there could be dozens more probably) Church is about God, the commands of 
    the Word of God (His Bible) are not optional, so it would be good to see the church live it out and get on 
    with it.

The church is not perfect, no church is.....every church has its fickle ones, and every church has its saints. I believe that we all need to remember who we are, and what we are on about...

It's not playing church, or playing Salvation Army..... its not a club, or musical society, we are a movement on a mission...

We are meant to be growing, getting bigger, attracting others in, serving many, supporting people as well, and most primary of all aspects of our being, is the fact that we are meant to be the people of God on earth, even with our distinctive style and shape as The Salvation Army.

so here's a few reminders from a great book to just help keep the Officer and leader focused... (for me too )
( taken from The book;  "The Heart of a Great Pastor" (HB London and Neil Wiseman) 

Do Remember these things: They will help you....

• God's nearness makes ministry an adventure regardless of location. 

• People in your setting have incredible spiritual needs. 

Your outlook "limits" or "liberates" ministry. 

• The gospel seed penetrates the hardest soil. 

• God has up-to-date plans for every setting. 

• Everyone—pastor, parishioners and the world—needs a miracle.

 so the next time, the fickle ones get under your skin, just have a chat to God..... call in the big guns from heaven, speak the truth, preach the word, love the sheep, feed the sheep, and ask for some miracles, and leave the rest for God, afterall its His church and you and I are His servants.

Awesome isn't it ? 


  1. Thanks again Gary

    In my daily devotions using Jeff Lucas - Life Every Day, I read the following in today's reading:

    "I'll be nourished and strengthened. I'll discover some clarity as I hear Scripture taught. I'll be refreshed as I connect with friends old and new." (This was a service he had no obligation to attend).

    More words from him:

    "Daily living can parch the soul. But as we affirm our faith, whisper our prayers together, are built up by nourishing teaching and share our laughter and tears, so we are strengthened for another day."

    Our church is truly a gift from the Lord.

    God bless



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