7 Resources every Officer has at their disposal

I have started reading again,a book that impacted me many years ago, it is one of my prized books in my library, and I want to share with you,  some "nuggets", "gold" ministry tools that every Pastor or Officer should remember in ministry.

there are 7 resources that every Officer has at his or her disposal, right within his or her own reach....

Resource 1:

Every Congregation is Unique.

Using a church's uniqueness is an important factor in developing a flourishing ministry. God gives uniqueness to a church to achieve His purposes. He has created your church.

Look for your uniqueness, what makes your corps/church unique ?  Nail it then in that area, specialize in it, it is your God given uniqueness, ordained by Him.... and go for it.

Resource 2:

Every Congregation responds to a Pastors / Officers Love:

Congregations seldom thrive without an Officers love. The sheep grow restless without an attentive shepherd. This love is the God given love, the agape kind of love, and if we will love our people, we will find love covering over a multitude of other stuff.

remember Matthew 22:  Love God, with all your heart.mind and soul, and love people like yourself.

Resource 3:

God provides Supernatural Empowerment:

Contemporary evil and human brokenness are not too much for the power of God.  If He can find a few faithful servants, He will work miracles.

I think sometimes we get scared of the supernatural, when we ought to embrace the supernatural power of God in our church and allow God to do amongst us what we cannot do.  It is way more than a resource it should be our life DNA as a church.

Resource 4:

Every Church Needs Bible Preaching:

God has preserved the Bible as a supernatural guide for life and faith.
Better biblical preaching will make every church healthier.

I know that not everyone operates in the same style with preparation and preaching, but it is  a privilege to share Gods word with Gods people.  It ought be a priority in every preachers diary to prepare well for this privilege.  its not a chore...its life giving.    Let's lift our game in preaching and see our corps become healthier.

Resource 5:

Every Officer is Distinctively gifted:

God whispers His call to ministry to committed people who posess many diverse gifts and abilitys.

God has ordained your placement in this church/corps at this time, and he has already gifted you with a uniqueness, that makes you, "you".  Celebrate it and work within in it and use the gifts you have for His glory. Your church will love it when you are in your sweet spot.

it doesn't mean you don't do anything else outside of your gifting, we all know that ministry requires us to do loads of other stuff too, but  work within your gifts and use other people in other areas of gifting, its how the body functions best.

Resource 6:

Every Setting has Potential:

Something very special needs to be done in every setting.

In every area no matter wherever your church  or corps is situated, there are numerous amounts of people who remain unsaved, in a very close proximity to your corps, and what is glorious about that, is that God has positioned you to connect with them and add them to the body of believers of your church.

What a privilege we have, yet many don't do it , for fear of rejection or ridicule.  Just do it anyway its  a valuable resource that God has given us all.

Resource 7:

Every Church has Something to Give People :

We have been lulled into believing that the small church has little to offer.

We have allowed the "big is best" mindset to dilute the fact, that when the church is the "Church", regardless of size, it is a mighty instrument in the hand of God.

when we love others...
care for others...
embrace others...

we do what most won't do in this world.  Just "be" the church, and watch what God does amongst us.

( these thoughts and resources are taken and adapted from the book : 
"The heart of a great pastor"   
by  HB London and Neil Wiseman

It's about thriving and flourishing where God has planted you.

I have heard it many times, if we only had this or were that big we could do this or do that but we cant, because of this or that we dont have.

the above is a list of things that every church and corps has at its disposal and it will make the world of difference to the world in which we live, if we just gave it a crack.

I also have had many times when I have wondered why some churches grow larger than others, why some plant new congregations, right amongst other churches.

Sadly, in many cases its only because the churches that already exist in those areas have stopped doing its job, and there are people still waiting to be saved.

so what would it look like if you had a crack at some of the 7, or all of them right where God has positioned you right now ?

can it do any damage if you did  try ?

but maybe it might grow your church and cause it to be healthier if we did ...

I'm gonna keep trying.


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