Make sure the Water is in the Pool :

Sometimes life/ministry/leadership just dishes up some disappointing results doesn't it ?

Sometimes its others letting you down, and at other times its all because of the choices
or mistakes you made along the way.

Make sure the water is in the pool before you go diving in !!!!

We all know what would happen to us if we dived into an empty would not be a very good or pleasant result. Yet many in this world do just that with decisions and choices along their journey, and then when they suffer the consequences of their choices, its everyone elses fault or they try to justify their position.  
Here's a may have been better to see if the water was in the pool before you dived in, hey ?

As I was praying this morning, I had one of those moments when I felt God speaking to me about this subject.... not about belly flopping, or diving into something over my head, or failing to see what lays before me as I make my choices... or even seeing if the dive I make is going to hurt me... or maybe even thinking that I may just flounder in the deep end or even drown....  but it was way more positive...

it was about spring boarding into my future.....  using the diving board as a resource to bounce into the next phase of my calling.

Spring boarding into 2103.

I don't share this to hurt anyone(especially at Craigieburn), but only to express my feelings at the moment about what lays before "me" personally as a Leader in God's Holy Church.

I don't want to hit 2013  with the thought I am going to sink.... or drown or belly flop...but rather I want to spring into the year with a new bounce in my step, a new drive motivating me, a fresh pool to jump into and perform the most elegant " Spiritual leader" dive I possibly can muster.

God is my springboard .

The water is my Church ministry....

The way I dive in, my attitude towards it, my behavior on the diving board, is all a choice, that I am willing to make, to please the God who called me to such a purpose.

I wouldnt mind some synchronized divers working alongside me also...  you know, diving in accord...
with the same purpose, same cause, together, focused, in harmony, same goal....

So, maybe there may be some out there reading the blog who might think to join me in synchronized diving into ministry into Ringwood Salvos...but if not specifically at Ringwood, any Kingdom ministry counts...for that's what we are "all" building...not an empire, but enhancing the Kingdom Pool.

Here's a truth for you.... and me..... even if no one dives with me, I will go solo.... cause I want to dive into what God has called me to be and do.

So what will it look like if we ( I ) springboard into the new year ?

1. Stop looking back. You cant dive forwards if you are looking backwards spiritually, you will slip and fall.
2. Embrace the dive.  Don't freak out on the edge of the board, but jump in.
3. Get wet. get fully immersed.
4. Try to get the dive right. I am not looking to belly flop next year, but dive into that water of Ringwood and 
    not make too big a splash as I do.  

Its my belief and opinion, That God calls us to spring into the ministry opportunities He sends our way. It doesn't mean we forget about and write off the past.

I will never forget my time and work and ministry at Craigieburn, it's now a part of my life. 

But I indeed intend to dive in, with my whole being, into the new opportunities coming my way.

I want a spring in my step.

I want to get fully "wet".

I want to see other divers in sync with me as I dive. 

God is my springboard....He equips and empowers me to dive higher and with more intent and purpose than what I could do alone, so being in sync with Him is primary.

I am going for it...and getting my self psyched up right now....

How are you going to dive into 2013 ?

I hope you don't intend on belly flopping into an empty pool.....

OUCH !!!!


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