Hearing from God or who ?

I spent some awesome time today with a mentor/friend, who spoke straight into my heart today.

You know, here is the general gist of what was said...

people come up to you and speak all sorts of stuff into your life, some of it sticks to your spirit like glue and its not always positive. I was sharing with Wayne, how yesterday someone spoke some stuff at us, about our future, which was pretty much less than Godly. in fact it damaged us.

I loved the response from Wayne, "we want people speaking Godly wisdom into our lives, stuff that is from God that stretches and lifts us, stuff that is God given never squashes you down ".

The challenge is to redirect, the stuff, that is not from God, and deflect it.

If it is from God it will not squash you down or diminish you, it will lift you and enlarge and encourage you.

the stuff we got yesterday was way less than Godly.

and it hurts.

In ministry, people place demands upon you, expectations and their own agenda.

The kind of ministry I am interested in being involved in, is and needs to be, directed by God, because God cares for His people and His church, I know - that if He directs, I will be lifted, encouraged and enlarged,and His church, which He cares about enormously will also gain lift, encouragement and enlarging.

the other stuff needs to be put where it belongs... and as difficult as that actually is to do, it needs to be done.

If it isn't God, then who is it ? that is speaking into your life and ministry....?

I want people to be used by God, to speak into my life. absolutely.

but if it is going to squash me down, and diminish me, I doubt that it will be a message from God.

we need to test these things. Not everyone has your best interest in their mind, often its something other than that, .....maybe even just a personal agenda.

A couple of weeks ago, as I walked the streets on my daily walk, I heard the distinct voice of God say to me what He required of me for my future ministry, and it was humbling, very positive, extremely challenging and it caused me to whell up with emotion that God will call me for such a task.

The stuff yesterday made me feel small, inadequate, useless, weak and not capable.

I know full well that God sees me for who I am, what I can achieve, that I am an available vessel for His use which makes me more than adequate for the task at hand.

I have 17 years of ministry experience which God will build upon for my future.

so the words of yesterday, even if it was with great intention....I dismiss them, they were not of God.


Be careful who you listen to, and why ....



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