what can happen in a few seconds.

Last night after a wonderful day in church, I went for my daily walk. as I was walking along the road, 2 motorbikes came screaming up the intersection near me, revving their bikes like no ones business, and sped off up the street at some astronomical rate of knots.

Dodging traffic and going as fast as I have ever seen any bike go, - gone..... a few moments later, as I continued my walk, I could see some commotion up ahead and there laying on the ground, one of those bikes and its rider that had slammed into the back of a parked holden commodore, shunting it forward up a curb by about a metre.

As the rider was picking himself up, bloodied and hurt... and his mangled bike, I walked past. Many people had come out of their homes nearby to his aid and his fellow bike rider was assisting.

I pondered....why do bike riders ride like this, thinking their lives are indestructible.?

A lot can happen in a few seconds. A life can be changed, a family shattered, loved ones left to grieve and wonder why. In this instance, the rider will live to tell his tale, and hopefully not ride his bike like that again.

Just a few days ago, 3 young teenagers died in a crash in our region in a stolen car traveling at 140 kms an hour as it slammed into a concrete wall. It's all too real isnt it ? It's all too sad as well.

For me it heightens the fact that, life is short. Silly mistakes and actions can cost lives.

Every choice has a subsequent consequence..every time.

Choose carefully.

So as much as a life can be lost in a few seconds,a life can also be saved in a few seconds. It's all a matter of choice.

Many of us live our lives in the "What if's".

what if that rider had slowed down,

what if those kids didn't steal that car,

what if those crooks didn't steal our playground,

what if, what if, what if...

sometimes you just cant change the what's.....

all we can do is learn from them and make our next what's and where's and when's a little different.

I wonder what it would like if people started choosing hope, life, faith, love, peace, kindness, caring, sharing....

What if they chose Jesus ?

Well the church (every church) has a job to do to share and shine Jesus in some dark places. To leave a mark on society, to offer forgiveness and joy and care and concern. We have a mandate to be the people of God.

And to do that best, we must stop bickering over our own personal rights, we must stop seeking out our own agenda, believing and communicating that somehow, we are owed something.

We must be true to Jesus who calls us to surrender and serve and not to be served.

We must walk humbly before God, for time is short and so is life....instead of thinking you or I have been dealt some kind of injustice, rather ...humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, who will lift us up in His own good time.

A lot can happen in a few seconds......... you can make a silly choice, or make a wise one.

The best choice any of us can make, is to live for Jesus, His way,and trust Him to take care of everything else.



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