The Critics !!!!!

"When You Get Kicked in the Rear,                                              You Know You’re out in Front "

"When you’re at the front of the pack, everything you do attracts attention. Criticism comes with the
territory. Regardless of position or profession, all leaders undergo criticism and must learn to handle it
constructively. Whether the criticism has legitimacy or not, a leader’s attitude determines whether he
grows from it or groans under it.

When spectators watch a race, where do they focus their attention ? 

On the front runners !

Few people pay close attention to the racers who are out  of contention. 

Racers who are viewed as being out of the running are often ignored or dismissed, but when you are out front and ahead of the crowd every thing you do attracts attention. "

(From Leadership Gold,   John Maxwell)

- its hard to get kicked in the rear if everyone else is in front of you .

- we  often criticize what we are ignorant of, or don't understand.

- it's a lot easier to pull down, than it is to build up.

Great leaders are great for a few reasons:

they have the runs on the board,
they usually have achieved something that others haven't,
they don't always conform to the normal way of doing things,
they are often misunderstood and considered to be mavericks.

However, if something is to be achieved, then you want and need a great leader in the mix of that.

Criticism, always hurts, and when you feel like it is an injustice it hurts even more.

Maxwell reminds us that great leaders don't need to defend themselves or justify themselves either, they just get on with it and do the task at hand regardless of the opposition, and results are achieved.

Over the past 12 years, I, (we) have had our fair share.... it still comes, and results are still being achieved.

Its always good to be able to look at the scoreboard and see where you are positioned in that area, and its always better, to see that  you are winning rather than losing.

results/success..... always prove the critics wrong....

Here's a paradox, the one who has the most runs on the board is the one who is criticized the most.

In this particular case, John Maxwell Himself is criticized by those behind him,  mostly who are out of contention.

I find it totally bewildering that some, dismiss Maxwell and "bag " him, when they themselves have nothing in the bag, no results, no real wins, no leadership record.   Makes me laugh actually.

and thats what you need to do when the critics rise against you....

see what record they themselves have.
are they worthy enough to be listened to ?
do they have any experience/proof of "a win " ?

and then just position them and what they are saying into perspective.

here's the deal for me...

If John Maxwell or Bill Hybels, or Rick Warren, or  Linda Bond, or Brian Houston, wanted to speak into my life about leadership matters and church leadership and organizational matters surrounding leading a cutting edge church through growth, change  and establishing....    I would listen...

but if a leader( label/title only) started  criticizing what I have done and attempted and achieved, and they had nothing behind them anything like what we are about ?.....  WELL, I would  try to dismiss their words.

It's not arrogance, it's perspective.

The great "Australian  thing"  is to tear down that which is rising up.  you know Tall Poppy syndrome .

The great " Kingdom of God thing" is to build up, that which is being torn and broken down.

we all get critical of each other at times, no doubt  I will rile some up right here with this blog.

But if we were Kingdom minded in our ministry and words and thoughts and  speech.... we would be looking for ways to build each other up..... more and more as the day approaches..

(Hebrews 10:25, calls us to encourage each other... not discourage)

all of our criticsm and complaints will be like grains of sand  on a beach in the sun, when Jesus returns.

Let's Lead from the front, regardless of the complaints.
Let's serve the Lord, regardless of the critics and opposition.
Let's keep the main thing, the main thing.  even when others want to concentrate on the minor things.

God loves you.
He loves me as well.



  1. Very true Gary - great thoughts! I too find it interesting how a lot of criticism of successful leaders comes from people who have never engaged with the leadership of those they are criticising. Recently, a congregation member has been tearing down every leader I am influenced by (Hybels, Maxwell, McManus, Warren etc), yet he has never read or listened to any of their material. May we continue to lead and disciple with integrity and courage amidst the criticism to fulful the mandate of Ephesians 4:12. Love your work!!


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