And the Angels Sang...

Yesterday at our church in Craigieburn, as we sang the song ... "O come let us Adore Him, Christ the Lord ".... the sound of the singing started to get louder...goose bumps arrived on my skin, as they are now, as I reflect on it, and you could audibly hear the angels singing with us.

Some people will dismiss this as something other than the angels......but friends I am telling you it was the angels. A supernatural event.

I personally have experience with angels.... they are described in Hebrews as ministering spirits, sent to serve those who are inheriting salvation, so we should expect their presence in what we do, when its about Jesus and His people. I think its in 1 or 2 Peter, where it states that angels long to look into the things of the Kingdom...


People discount them, basically out of ignorance.


There was a day in my ministry when 2 angels appeared to me on the bonnet of my car as I travelled to meet with a new family I was leading to Jesus. This happened in Tasmania in our first years of ministry.

They served me to protect me.... these were vicious days, dangerous days, my friend was killed on a bike in these times and was a part of this process with this family. An Officer taken to be with The Lord, so young...and here I was right in the middle of it, and God sent angels to serve. AND showed them to me.

they were huge....2 of them sitting on the bonnet as I drove to the home of this family. (and yes this whole family gave their hearts to Jesus)

earlier in that day, God had given me the promise from His Word that He would send them, and He did.

IN my life and ministry, I expect to see the angels, and expect to hear them singing, they are present in my home, and I know that they accompany me wherever I go.

Yesterday was special, as I think they called in their mates and it was an awesome and amazing time of worship as they joined with the people of Craigieburn Salvos in worship to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


I felt Gods seal and anointing upon our ministry yesterday.

It had been evident earlier in the week as Julie and I prepared for the worship time.


At the very end of the morning, when everyone had gone, and Julie and I were alone in the worship sanctuary, as we knelt at the mercy seat together just praying for our situation, our girls, our corps,our ministry and our future......again I felt the wash of the presence of Jesus go over and surround us.

we are not special people.

we are no better than anybody else.

we are just ordinary people.

But Jesus is with us, his Spirit inside us, His angels go where we go, and His Power flows in our ministry and that equips us to do what we cant do alone.

I really love Jesus, and I desire to serve Him with my life, He has my heart.


I don't worship the angels, but gosh...when they are present and active, there feels like there isn't anything that cant be achieved.

who would want to do ministry in any other way ? (not me)


  1. Hey Gary, when I read things like this, I know God has placed Ringwood in good hands for his mission going forward!


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