
Showing posts from December, 2012

AND so, the planting concludes....

This week brings about the completion for us (Julie and I) the planting of Craigieburn Salvation Army Corps, commonly and affectionally known as salvos3064. Today I had a call and phone interview with the local Hume Leader Newspaper, who phoned to discuss our last 12 years of work here in the local area. They are wanting to do a story on us as we move on. Someone (thanks Val) had sent them information about all this and they asked me many questions, which I must confess made me catch my breath a bit as I reflected on the past 12 years of work and ministry. These past 12 years have seen many achievements here in Craigieburn, and even if no one else really recognizes that or has noticed, I know in my heart what we have done and experienced and achieved is not all that bad. Apparently the newspaper has been told most of it and that was a little sobering to hear them tell me and ask me all about some of the things I have simply forgotten about. When we were asked to plant Craigieburn we

Do you see what I see !?!?!

a few things I have noticed recently.... some people just see the bad in everything. It takes effort to see and look for the good in others. some people find it easier to complain and criticize, rather than encourage and build others up. some people seem to find it easier to hate, than to love. some people can only see the wrong, and hardly ever recognize the right. some people watch, and others participate.   I have watched and heard many complaints about our service delivery and attempts to support our community.... irate people who abuse and bully.... and others who shed tears over the provision of support and help.   who are we ? this Salvation Army ?   we are more than a food voucher provider, more than a musical entertainment group...... we are not just a cup of tea provider or glass of cold water giver.... we are not just a quaint, irrelevant group of military looking sub culture people....   NO...   we are the Army of Salvation... the people of God, on a mission for Him, w

I Work for Jesus.

At most stages in our lives, we work for someone, or something. I used to work for a newspaper, in the photo lab,.... a Customs agent....a shirt factory... a major retailer... and then I worked for a church youth department... but now, I work for Jesus. I don't work for the Salvation Army, I work for Jesus. I was reminded of this yesterday in my quiet time and I started feeling something bubble up within me, what a privilege I have. My Boss, is the Saviour of the world. My Leader is the one who died for human kind's redemption. He provides for my every need and sets up the rules and conditions of my workplace. He has positioned others around me to supervise me and guide and guard me, but He is still my boss. But He is also my best friend, and Father, my counsellor and trusted confidant. When I ask Him about things, He always leads me. Getting up to go to work is no chore, it's not boring, or a dead end job, it's not meaningless...its life changing and life giving, and