AND so, the planting concludes....

This week brings about the completion for us (Julie and I) the planting of Craigieburn Salvation Army Corps, commonly and affectionally known as salvos3064.

Today I had a call and phone interview with the local Hume Leader Newspaper, who phoned to discuss our last 12 years of work here in the local area. They are wanting to do a story on us as we move on.

Someone (thanks Val) had sent them information about all this and they asked me many questions, which I must confess made me catch my breath a bit as I reflected on the past 12 years of work and ministry.

These past 12 years have seen many achievements here in Craigieburn, and even if no one else really recognizes that or has noticed, I know in my heart what we have done and experienced and achieved is not all that bad. Apparently the newspaper has been told most of it and that was a little sobering to hear them tell me and ask me all about some of the things I have simply forgotten about.

When we were asked to plant Craigieburn we were wide eyed and idealistic and thought we could give it a crack, now after 12 years, there is a vibrant and thriving Army Corps here and it is making a difference, I firmly believe that. Not everyone in TSA agrees with its style or methods, but I believe God is pleased with it, for He continually brings people to us to be discipled and nurtured in faith here.

This blog is not a boast as much as it is a reflection.

I am feeling many mixed feelings right now....sad and satisfied, glad and scared, fulfilled and also aware that my biggest ministry challenge still awaits me.


The reporter asked me what was my main highlight, I was pleased to tell her that by far the biggest highlight for me is seeing peoples lives changed. Over and over again.... there is nothing better for the Christian leader than seeing Gods people get it together, and Gods people finding Him and settling into the Kingdom. It's the awesome bit about ministry that every leader longs to be a part of.


there are loads of highs, and stacks of lows as well.

funerals, dedications, enrollments, prayer ministry, weddings..... growth and decline and then growth again....

we celebrated 10 years together, moved into our own church home, purpose built for us...have seen 5 of our key leaders move into full time ministry and know there are at least 2 more waiting in the wings ready to go.

we have had 3 church worship homes....the school, the Rushwood factory and now our own fantastic facility where every week hundreds of people come through our doors in ministry and service.


What a journey this has been.

And now it ends here in Craigieburn. and restarts/resumes in Ringwood.

I want my life to be useful for God, to make a difference to the planet somehow, to affect change.... to assist in ushering in the Kingdom of God into people's lives.

I can honestly say, I have tried my hardest, given it my very best shot, and even though not perfect by a long shot, I can sincerely say today, even to myself and those around me, this is a good church ready to get even better.

She is not a "baby church" anymore.

She is a healthy adult church growing every week, closer to Jesus.

When God calls you to something, whether small or large..... it's not the "thing" that he calls you to do that matters as much as your obedience and willingness to partner with Him in whatever "it" is, that He has asked of you to do.

For me(us) for the past 12 years it was plant a Salvo church, that honours Him and reaches people in the Hume region.

That is now done.

It is also ready to move forwards and grow as He ordains it under the leadership of Pete and Jo Brookshaw.

Thankyou Lord for such a privilege as planting.


  1. Hi Gary and all of the leadership team at Salvos3064.

    It is hard to believe that it has been 12 years since the Army began its journey in the postcode of 3064. The people of Craigieburn have certainly been blessed (especially in recent years) with an amazing facility as well as a team of people who not only love God, but also love those who live and work in the local community. 3064 has played such a vital role in my own journey and so I want to say to all of you at 3064 a HUGE thank you. Thank you for who you are, thank you for your faithful service to God and to the community, and thank you for your investment in me and my family over the years. Craigieburn will always have a special place in my heart and will always be my church home. I give God praise for what he is doing there and for what he has done in me through salvos3064. May Gods blessings continue to be with you all as the church moves forward. May he continue to bless you and Julie as you move onto bigger and better things.

    Thank you to you all for your continued support over the past two years. I know that my family is all the better for it. Thanks guys you are all AWESOME.

    Dave Jones


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