Do you see what I see !?!?!

a few things I have noticed recently....

some people just see the bad in everything. It takes effort to see and look for the good in others.

some people find it easier to complain and criticize, rather than encourage and build others up.

some people seem to find it easier to hate, than to love.

some people can only see the wrong, and hardly ever recognize the right.

some people watch, and others participate.


I have watched and heard many complaints about our service delivery and attempts to support our community.... irate people who abuse and bully.... and others who shed tears over the provision of support and help.


who are we ? this Salvation Army ?


we are more than a food voucher provider, more than a musical entertainment group...... we are not just a cup of tea provider or glass of cold water giver.... we are not just a quaint, irrelevant group of military looking sub culture people....




we are the Army of Salvation... the people of God, on a mission for Him, we work for Him, we are meant to be salt and light... not just salt...and not just light....

dispensers of truth AND grace... not just grace, and not just truth...


we are supposed to be seeing people being saved every day around us... that is the fundamental basis of our ethos.


some people are so angry, so annoyed, so critical of everything and everyone..... and in amongst it, here we are, and hopefully we haven't forgotten our mission and mandate....our vision and purpose, our DNA and nature and command of God....


LOVE HIM with all we have and are.

Love others like we love ourselves

its hard when it seems like, everyone wants to tear you apart..... nevertheless though, its important.



Most likely, there will always be those who cant see the good in you or I... probably there will be those in your future and mine, who will fail to see the good, will find fault and a reason to complain... or reject or ignore or dismiss, or walk away, or whatever....

But You and I ... should do our level best to remain true to our calling, our mission and our God given mandate to BE....

do You see what I see ? maybe it's just me, but I see a world that needs Jesus more than it ever has ever before, but I also see a church that if not careful, will lose its influence in the world like never before.

As a Christian Leader.......will I fail ?

will you fail ?




But God looks way beyond our falling and failure and sees our motive and intent our inner desire to BE what we are not yet AM.


after all, if we had already arrived, we wouldn't be here would we.


stay focussed, on Jesus, His arrival at Christmas some 2000 years ago, is still critical to this worlds future.


I love Him.


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