I Work for Jesus.

At most stages in our lives, we work for someone, or something.

I used to work for a newspaper, in the photo lab,.... a Customs agent....a shirt factory... a major retailer... and then I worked for a church youth department... but now, I work for Jesus.

I don't work for the Salvation Army, I work for Jesus.

I was reminded of this yesterday in my quiet time and I started feeling something bubble up within me, what a privilege I have.

My Boss, is the Saviour of the world.

My Leader is the one who died for human kind's redemption.

He provides for my every need and sets up the rules and conditions of my workplace.

He has positioned others around me to supervise me and guide and guard me, but He is still my boss.

But He is also my best friend, and Father, my counsellor and trusted confidant.

When I ask Him about things, He always leads me.

Getting up to go to work is no chore, it's not boring, or a dead end job, it's not meaningless...its life changing and life giving, and world changing...it always has had its ups and downs, but mostly...the "ups"....

when I get up and put my uniform on and head out the door, its not about the money I earn, or the perks of the "job" I seek, its about satisfying this urgent urge inside me to serve my King and lead His people to His throne, and to lead many others to a place where they meet Jesus for the very first time.

Now this may all sound pretty trite to some who may read it, but it's actually how I feel.

When God called me, all those years ago, I knew without a shadow of doubt that I had heard His voice and responded to His call. I have never once really wanted to turn my back on that, but just this week as God spoke into my heart again, I realized afresh that I am privileged hugely.

My calling was clear, he has always been with me, he has provided much for me along the way...angels to protect me, finance to resource me, health to help me, people around me to assist me...an exciting ministry to be a part of, and results for my labour. I have never questioned my calling ever. When He called my name, It was amazingly clear...and I have answered that call.

a few of my friends today will sign a covenant that says that they desire to serve Him supremely as their boss too... and over this coming weekend they will be ordained as "Priests" ( Officers ) what a privilege...what a job.... what a boss !!!!

No earthly boss will:

ask you to change the world...

provide for your every need...

see your failures and mistakes...and love you just the same...

heal your diseases and lead you to deep true peace...

forgive your sins...

be with you everywhere you go !!!!!

Only Jesus

its all about Jesus...He is all I need.

I work for Him, and I love going to work.


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