Haven't had to do this for a while ...!!!!

As salvo officers, it is clearly understood and expected that from time to time we are required to move from appointment to appointment. (posting) For a lot of officers this happens around the 5 year mark, but for us, it has been 12 years since we have had to move.

And so here we are at Ringwood, having left the church we planted at Craigieburn after 12 years.

We begin our 18th year as officers in our 3rd appointment. Please don't misunderstand that, we are not inexperienced, because of having just 3 appointments, we have been through much in those years, chaplains on duty during the Port Arthur massacre, growing 2 corps into vibrant ministries, planting 1 from scratch, raising many leaders and traveling in mission trips overseas into India as well as time at many conferences throughout the world (ICO for Julie, Willowcreek USA, Greece, Turkey study tours, and much more)where God has equipped and shaped us.

And so here we are...raring to go, and willing to keep serving Jesus with the abilities and talents and gifts He has already equipped us with. A humbling task awaits us. A daunting task awaits us. Challenge, and change.... but I have already proven over the 17 years so far, and then the 8 years as a youth pastor before that, that God is all I need, and that His faithfulness will carry me through.

He has never failed me.

He will carry me through.

I will see great things happen, as will the people of Ringwood Salvos, as God does things amongst us and within us, that we couldn't even imagine or dream of.

will it be easy ? NOPE !!!!

will we win ? YEP.

we cant lose when we hold onto the hand of the creator of the universe.


So, some reflections of the past week....


the challenges and difficulties were here waiting for me !!!!

no phones, no internet, no media access....still working on all that, ( Thank the Lord, and Apple inc, for Iphones and Ipads....and Telstra for 3G)

some really great people have made contact with me (us) and welcomed us in, and we feel blessed.

our offices are now in order and ready for the ministry tasks at hand.

we have had a few hours off to reflect and prep our minds for Gods next move here.

our house is in order, we are settled at home ( with a few things needing to be done here) we are comfortable at Burnett court.

we are walking again.

and friends have come to visit.....( I just love this bit)


so tomorrow brings our Installation, and it becomes official....

so here's what I absolutely know....

that if my God is for me, then who or what can stand against me.

when I work and walk in the strength of Jesus, I can climb mountains that seem impossible to some.

I fully believe, and am convinced, that God will use me for His glory and purposes, in Ringwood, and together we will see amazing things happen as Gods Kingdom advances.


If you are a Ringwood'ite (Salvo)...... then hang on, hold on tight, and let's get on the rollercoaster ride of our lives as God starts amongst us, what cant be done any other way.

It's just going to be awesome.




  1. Vic Pitman-Jones19 January 2013 at 12:03

    Bless you and Jules, Gary. We will be praying for you, as Ringwood, as my home corps, holds a speacial place in my heart. I believe God will use you to lead this church to be the beacon in it's neighbourhood that it needs to be.

  2. You will make that church rock.


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