Ringwood Salvos....

I have now been(along with Jules) the corps officer of the Ringwood corps for 2 weeks. It's very different to Craigieburn (where I spent the last 12 years) and you wont hear me say it's better or worse..it's just different.


It's a large Corps(church) for Salvation Army standards, and I know that God has placed me here.

Can I say I am loving it ? well no not yet.... the truth is, I am gobsmacked by the load of work there is to be done. I am not afraid of hard work, just in this case, surprised.

Last night I went along to the evening service which recommenced for the 1st time in 2013... there was a small amount of people present, we sat on lounges and listened to each other share their stories of what God had been doing in our lives .... we worshipped Him, we prayed, and we ate pizza and drank Coke (Zero) and there was a special intimacy in the room.

for me personally I was moved deeply by The Lord God who spoke into my heart, reassuring me, reminding me, blessing me...I am hoping all present, heard Him, (he was most definitely present amongst us)

the song "Eagles Wings" was used, and God blessed my heart so much...

the words(some of them go like this)

"here I am waiting

abide in me I pray

Here I am longing

for You.

come live in me

all my life

Take over

and I will rise on eagles wings"


well something like that....but it's a special reminder of who God is and what he desires of us. I love it that this song was chosen and God spoke deeply to me as I sang unto Him. There was much freedom in the room last night, the muso's were good, Thanks Ben, Peter, Michael and Paul... but none compares to Jesus who was there in the room with us.


Church (and not just Ringwood or Craigieburn) is a fickle thing at times....we get caught up in so much that Jesus would have us not care about at all. Music and Worship style, loudness of the sound, where we sit, what we wear, the politics, complaints, grumblings, its too hot, or too cold... the preacher speaks too long or too short, he is not deep enough or he is too deep... so many things seem to distract us.


but if we kept it about Jesus, and we listened out for the still small voice of God as He moves in and starts whispering our name, things just may look very different, and we may not be caught up in the superficial and start experiencing the supernatural.

I am pleased that God has bought me here to Ringwood, I sense that He is going to do something amazing amongst us.

He will whisper our name, and offer power, healing, help and peace....

He will lift us up...like on eagles wings and we will soar above the struggles of the earth.

Thanks to the 6pm team for leading us into His presence last night...

btw....its pretty cool in the 10 am service as well. (just sayin')


  1. "Superficial or Supernatural?" - great sermon idea...thanks :)

  2. Rob, the theme at Ringwood for next Sunday... You can use it..too...God is good isn't He ?

    1. God is good indeed! I feel led to make it my theme for this Sunday too. Let's have a follow-up chat :)


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