Ringwood Salvos...(2)

He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25 NIV)

I have learned much in these past few weeks... one of the huge lessons I have learned is that when people speak to you, trying to be helpful, sometimes painting an ugly picture for your future....thinking they are doing something good for you...

hmmmm....!!!!! it's not always right and true.

Now, I am going to be very careful here.... but the truth is, some people tell lies, or perhaps better put, they dont tell you the whole truth.....and I have learned that the best way, is to find out for yourself.

now this may sound all sort of cryptic like... but short of me getting involved in "slander" (which I wont) it's a shame that you dont get the whole picture and just a one sided perspective that is at best, very inaccurate.

Jesus has made such a huge difference to my way of viewing things... I believe that if we keep things about Jesus in our church and in our lives, that other areas start to gain perspective.

It would do us all good to keep Him as our focus and point of reference. Perhaps then we may see things differently and a different story can be told. Perhaps if Jesus is paramount to our thinking, instead of seeing the bad, the ugly and the hurtful, we may start seeing the tremendous opportunity that He provides for us to impact our world, our Local community, our streets and cul de sacs and courts and neighbours.

When we paint a bad picture, we seem to have become blinded to the potential of what Jesus can do amidst us.

It's a sad day indeed when we cant see anymore, what God can and still wants to do.

It's a sad day when we limit Gods power because of our personal ignorance and blindness.

It's a sad day when we fail to grasp how big God is when it comes to "all" situations.


so...my reflections on ministry as I head into my 4th week at Ringwood, and complete the first month...?!?

It's busy. It's awesome. It's got opportunity that I never dreamed of having.


God is here !!!!!!!

my head has been in a swirl of foggy reality... as I grapple with truth, and not lies, as I grapple with the tremendous opportunities that lay at my feet, as doors open, just waiting for someone to step on through, I want to scream ..why hasnt it been done already ? and then I get it ... God has called me here, and positioned me here, now is the time, now is my time, now is the day of The Lord,

today God wants to use Gary Grant for His purposes. If I will stand up, and take the step through the open door, then huge God sized things will happen... ( just in case your curious...YEP, I am standing up and walking on through those doors) I will not shrink back. I will stand up. I will be counted as reliable and faithful and having courage.


Today we will move forwards through the open doors of opportunity.

Why ?

Because Jesus leads us and Ringwood salvos is all about Him.

It always has been, and always will be, even if that seems to have been lost somewhere in translation or blindness by some..........

Jesus is the head of the church, He is the head of The Salvation Army, He always has been and always will be. It's about Jesus, He is what matters most.

Whilst we seem to be blind at times to the opportunities, and lost in a maze of untruths and distractions, I firmly believe that if we keep Jesus as centre, everything else...and I mean "everything"...

will find its way and get into place.

So with the meetings and planning, the busy-ness and work, Jesus is our source, and He is our focus, and He is our power, and He is our purpose, and He is our promise, and He is our hope, He is our foundation, and He is our truth....

if you ever find yourself lost and confused by facts that may not be totally 100 % right...try looking at Jesus, try gaining perspective by turning your attention towards Him.


the world will dish up a load of stuff and some of it will cause you to become spiritually blind.

But this one thing I know, I was blind but now I see, Jesus Christ has set me free.

(btw, sorry to anyone I may have caused to be distracted "away" from Him, along the way)


  1. Good to touch base yesterday Gary, bless ya real good mate!


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