Expecting.... What !!! ( A snippet of what God is saying to me (already) about next weekend)

What are you expecting to happen these days in your life ? 

anything ? 

something ? 

nothing ?

I love coming to church with a bunch of people who are expecting something from God.
There is simply nothing like it on the earth, than the spirit of expectancy, when like minded people gather in Gods House expecting God to turn up and do something amongst them.

before I say too much more... I want to challenge your thinking on this subject. 

when you get ready for church next Sunday morning, crank up your expectancy  for the things of God.

some who read this stuff in my blog, might try to discount the words I say as whatever...hype or  lacking depth of theology or something.... ( if thats you, you just knock yourself out)...but I want to say that  the theology means nothing without action and reality... 

and the reality is... 

 we need to come before God expecting Him to move in our lives.

expecting Him to bless
expecting Him to heal
expecting Him to restore..
expecting Him to release
expecting Him to forgive...
exopecting Him to grow you
expecting Him to give His Spirit and His power to you.

and of course...

you expecting to worship HIM.

so if you plan on being in Ringwood next Sunday morning... come expectant... !!!!

coz if you dont...then it means that you are not expecting God to do anything... and that in itself is a very big statement of faithlessness. ( if there is such a word)

I will  be preaching something along these lines next Sunday morning...and as God leads me I will believe for great things from Him.

Last Sunday we had over 250 in sunday morning church, maybe the most we have had for a while...

can you dare to dream/imagine a kind of dream that would be about How Big God is and what God could do with a bunch of people who were extreme in their faith ?

who  came before Him in worship, just expecting His Spirit to move so mightily that everything was changed into  the perfect position for His purpose and plan to be released. ?

where crtics were silenced, coz they were looking at God and not man ?

where the Holy Spirit supernatural was stronger than the flesh ?

can you imagine what God could do in you and me, if we were just prepared to say to Him with absolute sincerity of heart and mind...

"God touch me with your power, 
fill me with your power, 
do something in me that you have never done before".


no matter what church you go to...

what is stopping you from making that kind of prayer !!??

I dare you... put aside the human blockages...
get rid of the if's and the buts..

put aside the indifference and  doubt and take a risk...

God just wants the best for you....

and the best is still yet to come. !!!!


  1. Looking forward with expectancy to next Sunday, and God's message for all of us. Exciting days Gary!!


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