Offended ?!?

Is there really enough time in our lives to live offended ?


We seem to be offended so easily.


I wonder why ?


When something happens that offends, we all get a bit uptight... Yes I do too.

We cry out our complaint, and anger and hurt and in these times we ought be very careful how we react and respond.


Injustice and lack of courtesy are often the main causes of our personal offence.


At times though, I must confess, I don't really have anything to be offended by, especially when you view things from a different perspective.


Try looking at your next offended session through the eyes of Christ.


He had a few more reasons to be offended than any or all of us ever will.

Yet, humbly, willingly, he went to the cross.


If you and I viewed things with a wider view of the world and the Kingdom, maybe we just wouldn't get so offended so easily.


For some, this offence takes root in the persons soul, and bitterness and resentment and hard heartedness is the result. Nothing in this brings any honour to Jesus at any time.


The other night I sat in a conference, and I felt my heart was so hard and cold...and I quickly realized that if it stayed that way, it would be very hard for God to pour His power into my heart. It was shut up, tightly locked, and I don't even really know why . I don't want my life to be like that. I want my heart open, and ready and receptive to God the Holy Spirit to be able to ooze out of my heart .. And the only way that can happen is If I am protecting my heart from becoming hard and hardened by any kind of offence or bitterness.



It bothers me hugely, that churches seem to lose sight of Kingdom opportunity and process and get stuck in religious tradition or rights, or church process and politics.


Seriously is this really why Christ died for us ?


Don't think for one minute that I am preaching at you, but rather reminding myself, of this exact truth, in every regard.


Surely , you must do so too.


Church isn't meant to be about politics, but rather the power of God the Holy Spirit leading us.


I pray with all my heart that God will lead us through our stuff in the Australian church, that we will open our hearts, and our minds, and our ears, and our eyes and allow our heart to soften so that God can shape us.


Do you Love Him ?

Do you desire to serve Him ?

Do you desire to see His Kingdom come on the earth ?


Don't let offence take root in your spirit, let God take root and see what difference that will make to us all.


And I am going to try as well.



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