Having a reputation: a message for Ringwood Salvos (and others)

I got thinking today that most people, and churches have a reputation.

It is either a good reputation or a not so good one.

Of course a lot of this has to do with other peoples opinions. (rightly or wrongly).


1. the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally; repute: a man of good reputation.
2. favorable repute; good name: to ruin one's reputation by misconduct.
3. a favorable and publicly recognized name or standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc.: to build up a reputation.
4.the estimation or name of being, having, having done, etc., something specified: He has the reputation of being a shrewd businessman.
(thanks dictionary.com) 

a church can have a reputation of being boring, or alive.... a friendly church or not so friendly. It can have a reputation of being traditional or comtemporary...

but pretty much every church has some kind of reputation.

The question is, what does Ringwood have ?   What should it be ?    What could it be ?
Sometimes, reputations are formed inaccurately, ...nothing worse than having a reputation of something great, when deep down it simply isnt that great.

the good news it can changed.  for the better.

so here's 7 traits, that I would like to see for Ringwood Salvos (for me also).

1. firstly, that our reputation is true and real and matches our life as a church.
2. that we are known as an alive, thriving, growing church....and even better, healthy.
3. that we are known as a church that gets people saved.
4. that people, who come to our church are changed forever.
5. that there is power, true Holy Spirit power, in our worship and church life.
6. that God is first, and His Will and Word, paramount to reality of life (actions & words matching)
7. a Kingdom minded church.  

is this who we are already ?  is this our reputation ?

well you can work that out for yourself, 
but I am hoping and praying that this time next year.... that is May 2104, that these things will be being said of us. ( if they are not already)
I am pretty sure there is nothing worse than having a repuation of being alive, but actually being dead and dying.  ( I dont think that is how it is at Ringwood, but let's make sure it never is true of us,
( I dont want Ringwood to be known for being boring, powerless, inactive, dying, or weak....we are not these things.)
I want my leadership to count for something for the Kingdom at Ringwood Salvos.

I am just the current leader in a great huge long list of Salvo church officers who have led this church well, for many years.
But I want to build on what we have, take it too a new level of Kingdom growth and health, to see God do amazing, mind blowing things amongst us and within us and around us and through us.
So, that it is common place that God does the miraculous amongst us. 
When people speak about Ringwood Salvos, as they do.... that a smile will come to their face...not out of ridicule or cynicism, but rather from a position of warmth that God is here, and He is working strongly here.   
Imagine what it would mean in our nation if our suburb was identified and known becuase of the Salvation Army Ringwood here.  So that when people think Ringwood the suburb, they immediately think Salvation Army.  


Together we can build our reputation,  one that honours Jesus... and is true.

We can do this by spreading the great news that Jesus is here with us.

by telling the truth, building one another up ( edifying each other) witnessing, praying, worshipping with all our heart and mind and soul, reading our bibles, and allowing God to be seen in us.

the rest is His work.

The Reputation of Ringwood.....    The 12 -  "R's" of Ringwood Salvos....( just a thought)

Real, Reliable, Radical, Responsible, Radiant, Repentant
Redeemed, Ready, Refreshing, Renewed, Restored, Righteous
wanna help us do this ?
maybe, if you dont come to Ringwood, you might like to consider the reputation your church has, and do something about building your own reputation, so that God is honored and well known where you are too.   

We Need to Make OUR GOD famous in our churches.

Coz' ultimately thats the best reputation any church can have.

That God is there.  

make sure people know that He is, through the way you live your life.

and finally:

The Salvation Army has a fine reputation of showing compassion, mercy, love, forgiveness and assitance to those who are hurting...and alone.

wonderful isnt it ?  

let's ensure that our reputation, is also about God and His power at work amongst us.



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