Seriously, this is about YOU !!!!! Read it ...



Have you ever put yourself down ?

Thought you were worse than someone else?

Inferior or a lesser person ?


There have been times in my life when I have observed other officers/pastors around me, and I have felt lesser, not as good, inferior to them.

I am not sure they have made me feel that way, even though I know there are people out there who do have a habit of doing that. Heaven help me, if I have ever done that to anyone else.


But sometimes I have felt inadequate, pathetic, weak, incapable, and unworthy to be an officer, and certainly not as good as others.


Perhaps you have felt that too.






Have you ever thought you were better than someone else ?

Thought you were superior to someone else ?


It's not often that I think I am better than others, its a very big danger to see yourself as better, or superior. We all know what it feels like when we come up against someone who functions as " superior " or thinks he is better than us.


It is very true that some have certain gifts and abilities and strengths, and that might set them apart as different.


But never better, or worse.


Some people isolate themselves from others, due to this inferiority or superiority complex.


Some people are hard to be around because of it.


Some people just get hurt by it.

Others get jealous or envious by it.

And there are some who just get bitter and twisted, angry and resentful.


Why do we do that ?


Is it our sinful nature ?



God made you to be you. As you are, to develop and learn and grow and be all He desires and designed YOU to be.


Why do we compare ourselves ? To anyone else ?

Who set them as the benchmark ?


Sure they may have runs on the board, they may have achieved great results, and be high profile in their field, but that doesn't make them better or worse than you.


I look around me at some superstars of ministry.... ( and hope they will forgive me for mentioning their names, and for those who wish I had mentioned your name , sorry )...




Major Rob Evans

Lt. Pete Brookshaw

Major Brendan Nottle

Lt Col Janet Munn

Major Marney Turner


They are all high achieves in the Kingdom of God ( along with countless others, sorry I can't name all my Hero's).....


And then there are the plodders, the ones who just plod along, faithfully everyday, every week, just doing their job, assisting people 1:1, no flashing lights or red carpet at their feet, just reliable, hard working servants for Jesus. ( I am not trying to offend or belittle or harm anyone.... Please understand the spirit of this blog)


Also, superstars..... !!!!!!! ( I truly mean that)


So ..what's all this about ?


God makes us to be us.

To do and be what He has given and called us to be and do.


To not compare ourselves with anyone else.

To not think we are better or worse than anyone else.

To not feel inferior, or act superior to others.


To just be open and ready and willing to go, to be, to do, what God,our maker...asks of "us" to do and be.


Nothing else on this planet matters really. But our faithfulness to our God.


We all form opinions about people around us, and its true that some simply act in ways that don't help...


But that need not be our problem.


All we need to do, is concern ourselves with faithfully serving Jesus in the way He made us to be.


Doing our best to show ourselves as a workman approved.

Doing our best to develop and hone our abilities and skills so we can be best at who we are. ( not who someone else is)


Criticize less.


Encourage more

Praise more.

Pray for others more.


And leave the rest to God.


Just a thought !!!!


Why not share this blog with others, it applies to us all. Doesn't it ?




God is with us,

He loves you,

He created you,

He designed you,

don't let satan deceive you,

God doesn't make junk.

You were not a mistake.

You are no better or worse than anyone else. Just be You.

He created you for greatness and for blessing.


He created you to be you, in the middle of many.


He desires you to grow and become even better at being "You".


Why not trust Him today...

And just walk in the confidence of our creator God.


What a day it will be, if you do.







  1. "I thank my God every time I remember [Gary]. In all my prayers for you [Gary], I always pray with you because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Chist Jesus." (Philippians 1:3-6)

    You are an encouragement, blessing and inspiration! Love your work :)

  2. God looks at the heart. When you strive for holiness you start to become very humble and don't care about anything than what Christ thinks of you


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