How much does "Love" cost ?

Some who read this entry of my blog will dismiss me as weak and insipid or even wishy washy, maybe evenly unmanly. Don't care what you label me....
This past few days has been horrendous in our family.
Julie is unwell.
Mel is unwell.
I have been unwell.
Chelsea is getting unwell.
And now Caddy is seriously unwell.
Caddy is our Labrador/Coolie pup. He was given to me for my birthday in March and he is just 8 months old.
He has meningitis, in his neck spine area and is in hospital having tests and treatments.
He is a special part of our family ....and we adore him.
So far the vets bills have reached $5000 and we have agonized over what to do..... Spend our hard earned savings, or have caddy put to sleep ?
When you love someone, like we love Caddy.... Well its not an easy decision.
We have paid the money and we now wait and see what will happen. Hopefully major improvements very quickly. Hopefully not, even worse news.
Nevertheless it got me thinking, what is the price of love ?
For Jesus it was everything, but what about for you and me...? And our pet dogs. ?
Some would say we were stupid....and maybe we were.... But what price ?
When he greets you crying because you came home.... When that tail wags, because you are with him, when the ball is his toy for you and he to play together... And he always wants to play....and when he looks at you with those big brown eyes....and you just know he loves you...
What price love ?

What price do we put on life ?
Human or other ?
For me, I have a simple view of life... Its temporary, we have a better place awaiting us after earthly life,where there will be no disease or illness or pain or suffering or abandonment or loneliness or suffering or hard decisions like this one.
But when all is said and done, its not that hard a choice to try and  keep your friends and family alive, and Caddy is family to us. Priceless .
I love him and I must do all I can to help and heal my special little mate.

It makes one ponder what price we also place upon each others life ? And what we would do to help someone else stay alive and find real life?
Worth thinking about .


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