Is it possible for people to be saved in the modern day Salvation Army. ?

I recently heard that there are people around who simply don't believe its possible for TSA to get people saved. Now I know this will cause some angst amongst readers of this blog and it should.

It rattled me.

However if we haven't seen any salvations recently, then we need to take stock and ask ourselves why that is.

We need to think about that...

Have we lost our passion ? For the lost, the last and the least ?

Our intention ?

Our purpose ?

Our motivation ?

Have we become too comfortable, too self reliant upon our own traditions and ideals ?

I seriously believe that anyone who states that it is impossible for people to be saved in the modern salvo church in Australia these days,is actually making a statement of faith and belief in a God who can do impossible things. Its more a statement of the persons opinion and lack of faith than it is about us or our God. ( in my opinion )

But it is a challenge that needs to be addressed and thought through.

I was saved in the Salvation Army.

My wife was.

My friends were.

And I choose to believe that others will be too and I make it my concern of my life that it will be an outcome of my life and ministry.

Do you believe that God can still do what He used to do with and through us ?

Do you still believe its possible to see radical salvations and Holy Spirit power flowing through our ranks and into our world ?

I still believe in my God who can do that in us.

And to those critics who think it can't ..... Our God is not limited by human tradition, or by limited mindset that says He can't .

All things are possible for Him.

I hope something within you ( and me) wrestles with this until we are once again motivated out of our comfort and inward looking safety zones, and are raised back up to our rightful place in the body of Christ as The Army of Salvation.

And not by name alone.


  1. Hi Gary.

    This trend seriously concerns me. You don't hear about too many people being saved these days and it does make you ask the question why? Either they are not being saved or we are just not celebrating the fact that they are. Either way both these responses are scary. We are a Salvation Army raised by God to see the lost come into relationship with him. It seems that this is no longer an urgent matter any more (in my opinion)

    We seem to fail to recognize that this journey called faith is a spiritual battle and that this spiritual battle is a reality. As I reflect on my covenant both as a soldier and an officer I am driven by one statement: That I will make it my life long comittment to see souls saved for the kingdom. The enemy has taken too much ground already and I am getting fed up with it. We are a Salvation Army - end of statement.


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