2014 approaches !!!

Do you remember the time when we wondered what would happen when the year 2000 rolled over ?

I remember it well, there were all these concerns about the millennium bug and what would happen if infrastructure just shut down.... If Planes dropped out of the sky....all sorts of worries back then. I was called in to a serious community local council meeting in Tassie, that we could form some kind of preliminary strategy in readiness...just in case.

That was 14 years ago.

Nothing happened, but we were ready anyway.

And now we approach another new year.

For many, a sad year. Approaching it with deep sadness in their lives, over loss and pain. For those people I feel such love and compassion and prayer, I hope that they ( maybe you) will start sensing peace, and a lessening of the pain. I wish I could help you in that.



Others will approach the year making all kinds of New Years resolutions and setting goals and optimistically believing That this new year will just be better than our last.

Its good to set goals, and have plans and hopes and dreams.... If you plan for nothing, that's exactly what you will achieve.

If you plan and set a goal for something you will achieve something.


I have some hopes for my own life.... Lose the weight I have put on, get some balance back into my personal life, read more, rest more, walk more, laugh more....

Dream more...!!!!!!


Whatever your thoughts are for 2014, I pray that God will feature in there some where, central to your life.


When it comes to my ministry, I am always excited about the potential of a new year, the fact that new things can be attempted. And we are setting some pretty big goals for Ringwood .... Some very strategic and "out there" kinds of ministry effort.... Some very clear plans are being laid out now for new ministries and hopefully for wider exposure of our ministry as a Christian church. It is very exciting.

We are interviewing for a new youth pastor and a children's pastor on January 8th.... And believing that we will get that right, appointing Gods annointed .....


I have 2 weddings in 2014, with both daughters marrying, leaving us as "empty nesters" .....that will be different. This will mean a trip to India! for one of the weddings.... And that is also huge.

And then early into 2015 other huge things will happen in my life, just 12 months away, which also excites me and challenges me(More about that later next year).

And so we ready ourselves for a brand new clear slate of opportunity and potential.

I encourage you to think it through, plan it well, set some goals, strategies, that might bring honour unto The Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are in ministry, write them down. Set some monthly mini goals. Gather your team together and pray often.

And 2014 will speed past us all very fast, but we will at least achieve something in amongst it.

Bless you, stay safe over the next few days.


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