Optimistic...my pondering of the last few days.

I am feeling unwell today. Not sure why. But it has caused me to rest a heap and stop and just ponder life.

The last couple of days have been interesting. I posted this link on Facebook from Dr Ravi Zacharias, one of the great men of a God of our era, and all I did was post the words, "interesting and helpful" And boy, did I not half cop it after that. It intrigues me, that one is not entitled to believe certain things without fear of condemnation from others. ( and yes it does go both ways, and btw, I wasn't condemning anyone, I just said that it was interesting and helpful for me )

The fact is that I have studied my bible, and studied the translations of the main key verse, that supports my worldview, and ....it is readily available to all people in the church, yet some in the church, cannot seem to see it. Or are choosing to reject it. ( if you wish to know the key verse, PM me)

Now I am generally ok with that, except for one main thing.... If you are a Christian, then the bible is the bottom line. Now some won't agree, but I am unsure what else you can fall back on, if not God's Word. I don't have the right to change what God said, and neither does anyone else.

The bible will make some people feel uncomfortable and hurt, but it will never make you feel cushy with a lie or untruth.

The truth is the truth. The bible is the bible. Bottom line for me at least.

It doesn't mean we don't do our best to love others, no matter what is going on in their lives. What it does say though is that you must " be " and " do " what the bible tells you to, if you choose to be a Christian at least.

Blaming or accusing all and sundry who stand on the Word,if it doesn't agree with your worldview, is not the answer.... Seeking God is.

Anyway, all that to say, I felt a little rattled by the comments flowing thick and fast, in these past couple of days, that's one of the problems with social media these days.

On the flip side, though is this gentle sense within me, that God is at work amongst us... Gently probing, and prodding and helping us to glean truth and apply it to our lives and our churches.

He is coming back for an uncompromised church, that is shining brightly in a dark world. I hope to be ready when that day comes, I also know, that I must do all I can to lead the church where He placed me, to be ready also.

My optimism is based on this very quiet sense of God working in me.

That our church will grow.

That we will just get it right ...not in judgement of, or condemnation of others, but rather embracing others and gently teaching biblical truth.

Discipling and nurturing people in the ways of God. His ways. Not, our ways.

I see Ringwood Salvos standing tall, not everyone's cup of tea, but nevertheless a growing church that is making a difference in our community.

It looks like next year, only a few days away now, that we will have 4 worshipping congregations every week. That in itself will cause growth.

We are attracting some huge interest in our children's pastor position with some highly qualified and experienced applicants putting their hands up.

That tells me, that God has huge plans for us. We start interviewing next week.

We also have some highly experienced people applying for the youth pastor position.

So, yes I am optimistic, and even though I also am feeling a little fragile today.


As I type this, I am reminded of the words of a song we used to sing.... Some of us still do. I may have blogged about this before.

(Gowans and Larson)

If crosses come, if it should cost me dearly,

To be the servant of my Servant Lord,

If darkness falls around the path of duty.

And men despise the Saviour I've adored.

I'll not turn back, whatever it may cost,

I'm called to live, to love and save the lost,

I'll not turn back, whatever it may cost,.

I'm called to live, to love and save the lost.

If doors should close then other doors will open,

The word of God can never be contained.

His love cannot be finally frustrated,

By narrow minds or prison bars restrained.

If tears should fall, if I am called to suffer,

If all I love men should deface, defame,

I'll not deny the One that I have followed,

Nor be ashamed to bear my Master's name.


Someone once said, one day, that it is often easier to die for God, than to live for him. I am unsure of that, but one thing I do know, that you don't ever get anywhere by compromising the truth of the bible and the commands of Christ. To live your life as a minister of the gospel means to stand up, even be ridiculed, when you know that there is a truth in the Word which must be defended. My optimism comes form this gentle peace in my heart, that says ....


If I will stand up for Him, then He will stand up for me.


Ringwood church is where God placed me..... I believe that.

I also believe very strongly, that the only way this church, or any church, can gain the blessing and anointing of Father God upon us, is by being obedient and surrendered and totally committed to His Word,and His Ways.

I will do my level best to lead in that way in 2014.




  1. God is good! God is great! His promises are true! He is going to bless our/His church in 2014! Thanks for your encouraging and optimistic words, Gary.


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