Red Shield Ramblings

Red Shield Appeal is nearly done for 2014. I stood on intersections, at the shopping centre, in the counting room, at the local Bunnings and watched as people responded to us, in many ways.

We had people doorknocking, in the streets, at the train station, sports centres, intersections.... even telemarketting.

I want to express myself in a few ways about those that helped, you are all total legends, retired people working tirelessly, - we had retired commissoners, colonels and majors all working very hard and many others who have done this year after year.

Thankyou one and all. especially those who have never been thanked, thankyou...

To those in the kitchen, cleaning, preparing food, counting money, banking, couriers of cash, you are all highly valued and appreciated.

To those who did hours of collecting (hour after hour) are inspiring.

To those who didnt help .... I wish you would help next year, we could so do with more support.

To the public who donated, thankyou... many lives will be changed by the money raised.

To the public who said no.... (sad face) ... (not much to say)




The Salvation Army was raised by God for a very unique and specific purpose.

We are part of God's church. We are no better than the rest of the body of Christ, AND, we are no worse.

We love God and we desire to serve His people, to help people get a "hand up", not just a "hand out"... to bring "lift" to others lives.

Some think we are weird, others hate what we do, some love us, regardless, we must be obedient to Christ and His call upon our lives.

If you are Salvo, then this is not optional, it's not like its some kind of privilege for Officers alone, but for us all... when we wear the name Salvo we are meant to make a difference, we are meant to work hard to serve others and bring this "Lift" to people, by loving Jesus and serving His purpose on the earth.

Sometimes Salvos get this misunderstood. Making it out to be something it was never intended to be.

If you are a Salvo, do you remember what the 2 "S's" mean on your shoulders ?

Saved to serve, Saved even to Save, either way or definition means it has purpose..its not just a decoration it has purpose and so do we.

So my friends...

Salvos - this is a call back to purpose

Salvos - this is a reminder of who we are and why we were raised in the first place.

Salvos - this is a War Cry.... we are not a Spectator Army,

we are "THE SALVATION ARMY "....


I pray we will once again rise up to be that Army that changes and transforms society and makes difference to the world in which we live.


Being involved,



active not passive,


a part of the solution not creating a further problem...

Salvationists bring Christ with them wherever they go.

Thankyou to all those awesome Salvos who served Jesus today and helped us do the work we have been mandated to do and be.

Let's once again take Jesus to our world, and see what He does when given the opportunity through us.



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