I have a dream !!!

I dream of  a day when things will not be as they currently are.

what do you dream of ?     You being famous ?     or you making Christ famous ?

changing the world ?  making it a better place ?

I want to share with you, some of the things I dream about these days, these things shape my prayers, and my choices everyday, they lead me... closer to Jesus.

I dream:

when the Salvation Army will be a huge growing church that impacts the nation and shapes local community.

when prayer meetings in TSA are the best attended meetings every week. Packed with hungry Christian ( Salvo's)  seeking Gods heart.

when Gods power is evidenced amongst us in tangible ways, with people being healed and set free and delivered and transformed right before our very eyes, and this is common  and normal amongst us.

when the church stops picking on, and criticizing the church. (not just our church)

when I am consistent all the time with in my own life.

when the queues are so long to get into church every Sunday and in every Worship service.

when coming to church requires you to be at the church 2 hours early just to get a seat.

when people just walk in off the street, feeling drawn to this place, and they just ask, who is Jesus and how can I meet Him.

when Christians just turn up each day, looking for opportunities to serve in the House of God.

when we understand that we do not seek the applause of men, but rather the applause of heaven.

when our Officer Training College is full, with a waiting list of people ready and willing to go into full time ministry.

when our Salvation Army Churches have many people who are willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause.

when people say to their boss and to their coach, NO, I cant play / work on Sunday, I need to go to church.

when you get a phone call in the middle of the night from someone who is just so excited about  what they just learned from reading  their bible.

when our church is impacting the world in such ways that a real and very visible tangible difference is made.

when poor people are served with food freely, given beds to sleep in, blankets to keep them warm, free medical care and support, without discrimination or prejudice, or condemnation...

when everyone is cared for equally, loved with unconditional love....

I dream of  day..... when I am able to love and be loved, to care for others and to be cared for by others, to be known by others and to know others, and our churches in The Salvation Army are known and characterized like this everywhere, all the time.


Yesterday in our church at Ringwood I touched briefly on this kind of Vision of what church can look like, and what I hope one day it will be like.... ending with this beautiful rendition of   "The Impossible Dream"  take a look and listen and let God speak into your heart and soul and mind, ..........................and may I say it ?

Start dreaming again of what God can do in impossible situations.


Dream away, and surrender to the Cause of Christ on the earth.


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