Why are some people so unkind ?

I reckon I have pretty much seen it all, people who treat others with contempt and abuse, and hurt... and I have seen people who ignore others, disown them, try to push them aside, dont even ackowledge them.

I dont know why people treat others like that, especially so when they claim faith.

You know, claim to belong to Christ.

Christians can never treat others like that and never should...ever... in no circumstances ever, yet it happens and we have all been on the receiving end of it.

I hate it when I see it happen to others, and of course I hate it when it happens to me personally.

And I hope I have never done that to anyone, but I guess I am as guilty as the next guy with this and if I have ever done that to you, I apologise now for it (to you). sorry. truly I am.

I have met some amazing people and I have met some nasty ones too.

I dont understand though how anyone can behave the way they do when they claim to know Jesus.

Maybe thats the issue.... do we really know Jesus, or do we only know about Jesus.

There's a big difference between those two positions.

Well today I was so blessed by some people in my church...


I didnt deserve to be treated the way I was today, but nevertheless I was given a place of honour, a place of respect and a place of love and care...in fact the truth is, I felt like I belonged, like I was part of the family, I dont always feel like this, but today I did and it made me feel incredibly special.

Basil, turned 80 this week and we were invited to lunch today to help him and his family celebrate this milestone. What an honour it was for me to say grace before the meal, but to sit alongside the birthday boy at his special party.


I was treated like royalty, and I felt at home with his family, they made me feel like that, and I am very grateful.

I have been to many events where I felt the opposite of that, unimportant, neglected, rejected, awkward, alone, left out, didnt belong.... but not today with Basils family. Thankyou.


It got me thinking about how we actually do treat others who come to church. Newcomers, as well as those who dont exactly align with our own personal thoughts or feelings.

And I know we have some work to do...I have some work to do.

This afternoons event was natural and unforced... and I was made to feel in a place of belonging.

It was awesome.

Why are some people so unkind and others awesome ?

I think, for the awesome ones, its because of the real Jesus living in their heart, it oozes out of them, its genuine, real, authentic, its true and unforced, no agenda, no sense of trying to get their own way, just wanting to honour and bless others, its gentle, its kind, its loving and compassionate, its care and concern...its practical, its sensitive, its firm and fair, and its wonderful. Its a sense of pure motive without any kind of back stabbing or gossip behind the scenes.

for the others ? well who knows what drives their agenda... most likely selfishness, and self importance,or maybe some career ladder to climb, or some point to prove.

Jesus was never like these unkind ones...ever.

and neither should we be.


I would rather hang out with the Basil's and Hian's of this world anyday, than those others who seek to destroy you and bring you down by their criticisms and destructive behaviours and words.


Thanks Basil and Hian for an amazing afternoon.

I was truly blessed by you both.





  1. Thanks for sharing Gaz. We've been copping a bit of the other treatment, sad because hee claims to be a Christiand and says all the right things to everyone else. I come back to the old phrase, "Not my monleys, not my circus." In the end, those that treat people badly will have to answer to God for what they do.


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