Stuck in a rut !!! Choose to get out !!!
I have done it and so have you ...and so has everyone else around you, even if they wont admit it they have,we all have. Its stupid and we feel stupid afterwards, at times we are embarrassed and ashamed, even disgusted in ourselves, and sometimes we feel trapped by it as well. can bet your bottom dollar that every single person on the planet has at one time or the other made a silly choice and stupid decision. Whether it was the first drink of booze, and now you are an alcoholic, whether it was the first look at porn and now you are addicted to it, whether it was a silly relationship choice, or perhaps a wrong career path, maybe even you took something that didn't belong to you, and suffer the consequences of that one point in your life and certainly mine, we have all made a stupid mistake and now suffer the consequences of that choice. You can be certain that every choice has a consequence... it always does, one way or the other. There are a couple of