Square Pegs...Round Holes

There are times in our lives when we might each feel like we just don't fit in. At times I feel like this...(feeling a bit like that right now really) The picture above is a great illustration of what it means when you do push too hard to fit in...cracks appear, and it becomes uncomfortable for you, as well as the mold you are attempting to fit into. I am guessing we have all felt that from time to time.... It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can push and squeeze all you want, you just don't fit the mold. I have been thinking about this a lot today, and it has caused me to consider what does one do when you just don't fit, no matter how hard you try. I reckon it comes down to the why.... why are we trying to fit in, when we may have been called to stand out. Funny.... Nevertheless, it hurts like crazy at times to be the one left out, because you don't quite fit in.... but where would the world be if we were all the same, ...