Pandemics and Jesus !!!

We are all going through some pretty tough stuff right now, this pandemic is messing with all of our heads at some point or the other, there is no denying it. Most of us have never seen anything like this ever before.

A few years back I was at the ICO in London  for a 6 week stint of blessing. It was one of the amazing experiences in my life so far.  In that time I was like a duty officer and as a result of that, I  tried to care for those around me.

On one occasion one of our group from Africa became very ill..... I wont go into all the detail but we found ourselves at hospital with him and trying to work out what was wrong for him.

That night at the hospital a nurse was on duty helping...she shouldn’t have been there, it was a double shift or something, but she was there and it just so happened she came from the same African country that our ICO officer did. Was able to communicate easily with him in his native tongue.

They sorted it.... but she told us later, that if he had been home he would have died.... for the medical processes he needed would not have been available to him at his home.   A miracle and the work of God right in front of our eyes I believe. He later returned to the group...well again.

Anyway ICO finished and we all went our separate ways.... I joined Jules in a holiday, well she joined me... and we celebrated our reunion after 6 long weeks, we travelled to Paris, and then to Budapest... and it was when I arrived in Budapest that I started to feel unwell, it was horrible for me and also for Jules, I was stuck in bed in the hotel.

We were only there for a few days before returning to London and were supposed to go to Scotland and Wales ...needless to say I remained ill for 2 weeks or so....close to pneumonia and whatever else it was. 

Why this story here in my blog... well, while we are going through this new pandemic, understanding how it is caught in some ways... I reflected upon how I got sick that day in Budapest.

I must have caught a bug from somewhere somehow.... none of us are immune from catching bugs and we all must do what we are asked to protect each other at this time of Covid.... whether it is from someone’s sneezing or coughing or a bug on something we touch.... well somehow I got a bug and  I was very unwell.

We all must do what is needed right now, wear the masks, wash our hands frequently and stay home if we feel unwell.

But I pondered what it might look like if we were so intentional at sharing the love of Jesus and allowing Him in us, to be come a pandemic of love and mercy and grace ?

Leaving the mark of Jesus wherever we go.  Intentionally or unintentionally...

I dont want to be immune from His love and touch on my life. I do want to remain healthy at this time and safe, from Covid..... 

but I also want to be filled to overflowing with Jesus and His love and I want to share it everywhere I go.

By the way my sickness was nothing to do with the African Officer, it was something completely different. Just in case you were confused.

I guess for me I question my own personal influence and interaction when it comes to the Jesus inside of me. ( I am not questioning yours ) I am questioning just how infectious with Him I am.

I know its almost tacky..... especially right now...but this world actually needs a pandemic of Jesus’ love and forgiveness and Salvation right now.  Something that makes a difference to the world like COvid has.

Just a thought. 


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