Right now - a Rant ? Vent ? Challenge ? Hmmmmmm.

It has been said, that Victoria has some of the strictest lockdown rules right now for this crazy virus.

There have been a couple of times where anxiety has been heightened in me. Today we were informed of the most cases and deaths in 24 hours so far.  Seriously tough times.  Yes, not as bad as some other countries, but nevertheless serious enough to cause us some struggle in Australia.

So how are you going with the anxiety ? 

It isn’t easy.....let’s not kid ourselves that it is.  

One of the things I have missed so much is the hugs of my grandson and my daughter, her husband not much of a hugger...lol, nevertheless I am missing them.

I was thinking about it this morning, about how things have changed and what we can and cant do right now.

It’s been 5 months for us in Victoria and no sign of it easing up any time soon.

I miss gathering in one place for worship with like minded people who love Jesus.
I miss catching up face to face over a meal or coffee with fellow leaders.
I miss the coffees at my favorite cafe.
I miss going to the movies.
I miss some of my favorite places.
I miss my family.

But I would rather miss all of them than see any of my family and friends sick with the crazy virus.

Have you become something that has surprised you, about yourself, during the lockdown ? Have you found something new inside yourself during this time ?

For me.....

I have become more aware of my own mortality, and my fragility.... that if I got sick it would most likely finish me off.  I have also become aware of what I need around me and what I don't need.

Life is short and precarious and we are all faced with this...no person is not faced with the same issues, the difference we each have is how we face it. Or how we handle it.

I want to ask you, as I ask myself, are you happy about who you are and what you see inside yourself ?

These times of lockdown can cause a lot of self evaluation and taking stock of who we each actually are at the depth of our inner being. That isn't a bad thing, it can be good for us and may be what God is asking of us in this time.  Check ourselves out, get rid off what isn't good or right and strengthen what is good so that it becomes even better.

A few months back we asked the question, what will you stop, keep and/or change in your church when we get to go back.  Still great questions... but what about you as an individual Christ follower ?

What can you prune off your life to make yourself more fruitful in other ways in your life. ?

Right now is a great time to be doing that.

Some of my friends have lost their way when it comes to faith and belief in Jesus Christ. It isn't a judgement by me, just an observation....  today is not the time to forget about Jesus and His claim on our lives, right now is the best time to strengthen that relationship with Jesus. 

This world is throwing up a whole pile of confusion and distraction, and we can all be guilty of being distracted away from Jesus. 

 But now is the time to draw closer to Him.

Join a prayer group online, a bible study, push deeper towards Him, don't run away from Him, it is way easier to give up than to push in. But life is precarious... so remember that in this life we were born to live with HIM and for HIM and to make a difference to the world.

It’s not really a rant, neither is it a vent really... but maybe a challenge to do some soul searching and to allow some soul surgery to get it real for Jesus and you.

Church may have chewed you up and spat you out, it can do that at times.... but Jesus never does that. Jesus is rock solid ...faithful, forgiving, loving, gracious and merciful and desires us to live out our lives for Him.   

I hear His words to the woman caught in sin, “do you see any who condemn you ? Well neither do I, now go and sin no more... “

Right now is the perfect time to make peace with Jesus and to trust him with your life once again.

Some thoughts on this Wednesday afternoon.


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