The Quandary. 3 key questions !!

 So many opinions on the earth right now.

Thinking about the events of this week, which truthfully haven’t been that many, we are still locked down after all in Victoria, Australia, It occurred to me this morning that everyone one of us are subject to the opinions of others.

Let’s be real for a moment this morning.  

Who on the earth has complete knowledge ?  

Who is it that still lives and breathes and walks the earth like we do, who knows everything there is to know ?

The truth is, that some have a greater knowledge than others, because of experience and study and the like, but when it comes to something brand new, like Covid...that no one has experienced before, who then has complete knowledge and understanding, and especially around what God might be saying to us in the middle of this. ???

I have had a number of conversations this week around this and what various people are feeling and thinking, and of course I have my own thoughts.

Various thoughts range from God is sifting us, testing the church, the world, to God doesn’t care, to God is aware and doing nothing about it, and other thoughts include, it is just a normal fact of life on the planet and God has allowed it, permitted it.  There are most likely hundreds, if not thousands of other opinions and thoughts, but who is correct ?  

Who has total knowledge enough to prescribe to the rest of us that one specific thought is correct. 

And every other thought is not ?

It’s a bit of a mystery really. A Quandary.

Of course I have my own opinion, we all do. I am not going to try and explain my own opinion here, because of course, not everyone would agree, and thats when conflict emerges. 

I will say however, it is important that in the middle of whatever we are going through, that we be clear in our own heart and mind what it is we believe about God, what we believe for our own heart and why we believe it.

The world has seen these kinds of events in the past, its just that we have ourselves have not. 

God is still the same today, as He was yesterday and as He will be tomorrow. My bible tells me that.

He still loves His children, thats you and me. My Bible tells me that as well.

Does He want us to re think how we do church ? Yes.... but then He has been asking us that question for a long time, and some have already modified church to reflect that, its just that now in Covid, we are looking at that more seriously or intentionally.

Does God want us to pray more ?  Yes... He has been asking us to do that for the whole time, but we have been slow to listen and act, so busy doing so many other things. It’s just that now we are in slow mode. Has it changed anything in us ?  For some it has...but I suspect for most, no change at all.

Does God want us to be more intentional about His community and How we do that ? YES... its called discipleship and He asked us to do that right from the very beginning. Can we still do that in lockdown ? YES... its called Zoom.  But will we do that ? 

Or will we continue to search after programs and activities rather than lifestyle change ?   

Whatever your opinion about the sovereignty of God in the middle of this COVID CRISIS, lets be clear of a few things... some things haven’t changed at all.

Yes we can’t do some of the normal things we used to do.

But right now we can do so many new things and re claim a few of the old ways of the Lord.

It all comes down to what you will allow in your life and what you will reject from your life.

Last night, we had dinner on line with some good friends. We then played scattergories online in zoom, it was fun...we laughed, chatted, ate, and 2 hours ZOOMED past very quickly.  It was good for us as our little family... and hopefully good for our friends.  But it lifted our spirit. It was “un natural” at first.... but it was nevertheless good.

So, can you still pray together ?  YES

Can you disciple others ?  YES

Can you still worship ? YES

Can you still have church ? YES

the real question is... will you ? 


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