At the end of my tether


We have probably all been there in one way or another... but recently I have been pretty close to being at the end of my tether, as the saying goes. In a few ways.

When I was pouring resin on my table was one of those occasions.... I felt utterly defeated by the first attempt, and if it hadn’t been for some gentle encouragement from a Facebook Friend, I would have given up.  I felt very defeated. It actually spoke into some life commandments that I have lived with for a very long time.  That I am unable to do these kinds of things.   

The other tether I have been close to the end of, is my understanding and acceptance of what I see going on around me in my world and my proximity to the environment I live and work.

If I were to be completely honest, I would say the picture above was accurate for me. Breaking point. 

Until last Sunday, when I received the shot in my arm I needed.   A spiritual injection from TSA in NSW.

One of my huge concerns is our identity, who we are...and who we come across as being.

What it is we major in, what it is we speak more about.  

I believe an absolute key for our identity is the way we speak. 

 If our words don't match our actions which don't actually line up with our values, then we have missed the mark.

So if all we hear is the corporate speak, then we will flounder. 

Yes we need the strategies and the statements and the correct methods in place, but beyond that we need the spiritual speak..... we need the words of our mouth to reflect the deep deep love of Jesus that we as Christians live for. We need the spiritual speak, to be louder than the corporate speak. (* dare I say it )

Jesus First.... and thats what I loved about last Sunday, it gave me a shot me in the arm with the love and truth and passion of Jesus and the absolute foundation of meaning of who we are and what we do why we do it.    If it isn't firstly, most loudly about Jesus, then sadly we will never win. 

When you are at breaking point, the end of your tether, things become very distorted and I think, dangerous.  

You make decisions that maybe you would one day regret. 

You look for other options and that is when one must be careful to settle back into the arms of the one who holds us and has held us from the beginning.


I want to publicly thank Miriam  and Phil for speaking deeply into my heart, and for Beth for inviting me in,  -  basically they will never really know at what point that tether was about to break and just how close I was deep inside my spirit to that point.

So what now ?

Refresh, renew, rebuild.... currently I am on holidays and can work on some of that for myself.

I will be eternally grateful for last Sunday online in my bedroom, 
just some great people of God speaking truth, on facebook..... and Jesus and me, doing some spiritual surgery for me.



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