Head in the Sand ? Sometimes its too hard !!! Isn't it ?

I was reading Revelation chapter 6 earlier today... in some ways it's a bit scary.
One of the things that intrigues me about life these days, is our fear of the end. 

As Christ followers should we really be fearful of the end ? 

I have said it many times before, I am no bible scholar or theologian, but I do have some basic simple instincts. 

For instance, I believe my bible and have done for my whole life. 

I haven't always been able to obey it well, but it doens't change my beliefs.

 So when the bible calls something a sin, well I actually believe then it is a sin. 

I am unable to grasp how the bible can mean that one aspect of life is sin and another not, based on our new world idealogies and popular opinion. (sigh)

 Anyway, at one point in my life I decided to follow Jesus and believed that at some point in the future that our world would face some serious issues around Revelation prophecy. 

Revelation chapter 6 sits there. 

It is crazy to me that anyone can dismiss the scary parts of prophecy in the book of Revelation as some fairy tale that will never happen, when in the next breath we longingly await the Revelation end times hope of eternal life in the city where streets are paved with gold. 

I find it remarkable that the world seeks the good bits of the Kingdom, and yet seems to ignore the hard bits. Or to dismiss it, or explain it away in some way. hmmmm. 

I do not for one minute think that I have it all together, I sure don't... so if you think I am some expert on this, think again. 

All I know is that Jesus calls us to live for Him and do our best to make disciples for Him, to pray without ceasing ever... and to do everything we can to help others do the same. 

Today I read in the news that Covid19 has now claimed 1 million lives on the earth, that is a fairly significant number to not ignore. 

It poses the questions, that surely we are all thinking if not asking... does God care ? does He know ? Can He not fix it ? Did He ordain it ? Is it part of end times of prophecy ? 

Well, I dunno..... 

but I sure reckon we are closer to the end than we are the beginning, and as such we should be prepared for that. 

Whatever needs to be done to get yourself prepared. 

It isn't time for us to major on minor issues. 

Whatever they happen to be for us each. 

Life is short....it is fragile..... it is supposed to have purpose.... and for me the bits in the bible that speak about making disciples for Jesus and praying are still real and accurate... and non negotiable. 

Let's not have our heads buried in the sand, ignoring the hard bits of the bible and pretending that somehow they don't count anymore.

My bible tells me that God is a compassionate God ...
The He hates sin...
That He sent us a Saviour...
That we can have eternal life when we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives.
That the world will end and a new world will come.
That Jesus will return.

It also says a whole lot of other stuff which we cannot ignore....

Just my holiday thoughts on this September day in lockdown still.


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