

It’s Sunday morning, Its raining and cold in Melbourne. I went to church last night, which is my usual practice these days, so that I can enjoy downtime and a quieter Sunday morning.  After years and years of busy Sundays, it is nice to sit and be quiet and reflect and be renewed in my spirit. Today I switched on the TV and watched some Christian worship media. Michael W Smith led the worship and it was super special touching my heart and mind. The song Waymaker, which has become a favorite of mine during Covid , was being used…and the visuals behind the song reminded me of what he have just come through. We who are still alive have weathered a huge storm.  We have come through a pandemic, which hasn’t yet petered out. It reminded me of the harsh times we endured in Melbourne, 5km limits of movement, working from home, masks, no touching others, forced vaccinations ….and much more.  I am not criticizing it, just stating it. I remember when I contracted Covid, early on I w...

Episode 8.

You know, I am well aware that I have a lot to say on Facebook and here on my blog, and in some ways I apologise for that, but in other ways, I sense that God has called me to be a person of influence for HIM, in these ways and in other ways. This morning  in my sacred space, I watched episode 8 of “ Faith Runs Deep” by Olive Tree Media and Karl and Jane. ( I am learning to love those 2..)  anyway…it was all about Chaplains. So..if you are a chaplain or aspire to be one, you need to watch episode 8….and do it quickly. In my role as the Senior Chaplain for Ambulance Victoria I work alongside some amazing people who do extraordinary work and face unfathomable situations…. Most of us would never know about. Or for that matter want to know about. I also lead a bunch of people(chaplains) who have stepped up into the role of supporting these people. It is a privileged role and it is a privileged position, and I for one have no idea why any group would ever stop caring for people in ...

A hand on my shoulder

  Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who was sharing with me the experience he had when on a long walking trek. He had a guide who was with him on this trek who walked behind him gently supporting him, at times placing a hand on his shoulder and holding him and even preventing him from accidentally tripping or falling over. As we discussed this experience my friend said to me, there were times when I didn’t sense his hand on me, however …as I think back the hand was always there even if I was not aware of it. I love this story, and I love that my friend shared it with me. As I ponder that amazing story, It caused me to think about Faith.  And the hand of God upon my shoulder and maybe yours also, even if we are not always aware of it. For the countless times when  I could have fallen or tripped up. I asked my friend if I could share this story without mentioning names, and even making the spiritual connection. (He said it was ok btw) Spirituality is about care, ...

2022…. Lessons Learned.

During this past year I have been on an incredible journey of transformation and new understandings. It came to a head for me last night in church, when I recommitted my heart to the cause of Jesus … some who may read this blog will not completely understand that, and thats ok, for it is a deeply personal thing for me.  Others however, will get it completely and may even say “amen” in their heart and mind. Living for something or someone is a high calling, many live for themselves and themselves alone.  Some in this world have committed their lives to a whole gamut of causes and beliefs.   A very good friend of mine at work says …its “ Brain Washing ”…my response to my dear respected friend is, there are a whole pile of people who could do with some washing of their brains. We joke of course…but there is an element of truth in that…both ways …right ? So …what have I learned this year ?  7 things amongst many other things unmentioned. 1. Gods ways may end up being ver...

Losing Faith !!!

Yesterday I was directed to a podcast about an Australian senior chaplain who had lost his faith. I won't go into the details here, as it is his story not mine. Suffice to say, it was an interesting story to listen to and one that made me feel both sad as well as heightened around my own personal faith. The need to protect myself from the battles that rage against my soul. The battles that rage against my beliefs and experiences in my spiritual life so far. I noticed I haven't blogged much at all since starting on my new career path, could be because I have been incredibly busy getting myself into the role. Could be because I am learning so much I haven't had time to write it all down. So tonight as I write these thoughts, I do so with  honest intent and with integrity of heart, that I will not cause others to stumble or question or feel threatened by my thinking. My personal worldview has been challenged hugely since leaving TSA and joining AV.  It's not a bad thing, i...

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

I notice as I searched google this morning for this quote, that a lot of people have claimed ownership of this one. I used to have a little desk sign that stated this, around 30 something years ago when I started in youth ministry. However its true isnt it ? Either lead the way …or follow those who are leading the way, or just simply get out of the way. I never started 2021 thinking that at the end of the year I would be in the situation I am currently in, retiring as an active TSA officer. In fact so much has happened in 2021 that none in my family would have envisaged. I decided to retire, rather than resign, as I felt it was more honorable for me and for TSA at this time.(my choice) For me I found myself in the situation where I needed to get out of the way.  I was very discontent and felt like I could certainly not follow where those above me were leading…. And that caused me to struggle with my own leadership and the massive divide between expectations from above and my own pe...

Angry ! Frustrated ! Discouraged ! Annoyed ! Fed up !

The other night, I was challenged by a comment made to me about who is going to step up and sort things out. Almost like, why don't you speak up about what's going on around you, a s if I hadn't already done that, multiple times. I am not going to go into the bits and pieces about this, but its hard to step up and stand up for what you really believe in, when every time you do ... you are either cut down at the knees or ignored completely.  If I was honest, I am tired of not being heard, being ignored and passed off as being irrelevant. And I have observed some of my friends being treated this way as well. The other day I threw a challenge and invitation out to a large group of people and only one person responded. It's depressing when you know the answer and folks keep rejecting you. I guess that's why people vote with their feet. The question/s that was asked of us:   Who will step up ? Who is going to rise up and make the changes ? Why wont you speak up ? Why won...