Episode 8.

You know, I am well aware that I have a lot to say on Facebook and here on my blog, and in some ways I apologise for that, but in other ways, I sense that God has called me to be a person of influence for HIM, in these ways and in other ways.

This morning  in my sacred space, I watched episode 8 of “ Faith Runs Deep” by Olive Tree Media and Karl and Jane. ( I am learning to love those 2..)  anyway…it was all about Chaplains.

So..if you are a chaplain or aspire to be one, you need to watch episode 8….and do it quickly.

In my role as the Senior Chaplain for Ambulance Victoria I work alongside some amazing people who do extraordinary work and face unfathomable situations…. Most of us would never know about. Or for that matter want to know about.

I also lead a bunch of people(chaplains) who have stepped up into the role of supporting these people. It is a privileged role and it is a privileged position, and I for one have no idea why any group would ever stop caring for people in such ways as walking alongside others with pastoral support and care when humanity faces such uncertain times.

I have struggled over the past year with various degrees of hurt and pain and also grappling with the Change of a calling which I thought would be until I died. But my calling is still there, it’s just the vehicle which has changed… and I feel so affirmed today by the words of Episode 8.

I cant believe how God is speaking to me these days…I love it.

If you are a Chaplain, God has positioned you for that…to drink coffee, to listen loads, to provide pastoral support, to offer love and compassion…to care when it feels like no other person does. And at times to talk about the spiritual stuff at hugely deep and personal levels.

You are a frontline servant in the Kingdom of God.  

In Episode 8, one of the guys speaks about “Fighting Mac”…a chaplain…in one of the world wars,  and I think a Salvo Chaplain at that… a legend, and servant of the most high God.   Just awesome.

It gets me thinking and maybe you also… What kind of a Chaplain will I be ? Who am I ? Is my identity tied up in that or my past ?   

Naaaaaaa….My identity is in God clearly, that is why I do what I do… and it feels to me these days, that I am being affirmed over and over again by Him…and that is mighty precious to my soul.

God sees my worth.

God sees my value.

God sees my heart.

God knows who I am and has placed His hand upon my life for Kingdom purpose.

And I love it…just sayin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes its true I have not felt that from other humans so much, and that bit in life is often a very bitter pill to swallow, and no doubt there will be many others around me who feel the same way.  

To you, if that is you, I say to you, as I remind myself…. Seek Gods approval, seek Gods heart for your life, seek His ways, and if others dont like that…breathe a big sigh, and say… oh well, so be it, right ? 

The other day I received a prophetic word from a “chaplain” of all people ..(right..lol) it was that “God sees me and is pleased with me…”

Someone fairly quickly asked, in what right did anyone think that they would know that God is pleased with Gary Grant ?

Such an interesting question …however in my mind an also fairly ignorant question…. 

For when God speaks through prophecy that touches your heart deeply… who can question that…and who should ever dare to ?

You see our Kingdom journey is intimate and personal and will not always be understood. 

And God will choose a variety of means from time to time to affirm and edify and sometimes we, maybe even me, and maybe even you, will be used to speak a word of affirmation and encouragement to another, to bless and strengthen faith within their soul.

Thats the role of a Chaplain…YEP…. But it’s also the role of every believer …to position ourselves in such a way as to express mercy, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, love, self control, patience and a word in season.

These are huge days for me…. I love my new ministry, I love the opportunities I get …. There are times when I face extremely difficult circumstances and there are things I wish  I didn't have to deal with, but life is like that anyway…right ?   

When I prayed around 2 years ago for Gods direction upon my life and to help me understand my discontent, and He led my down this chaplaincy path… I never would have imagined that this is where I would be.  But here I am.  

And God is still the Lord of my life… and I have continued to choose to serve Him on the earth at this time of my life.

Well….these are just the words of a chaplain… 

one who happens to love and serve Jesus.


I love Lexie…she is a beautiful AV peer dog… and part of our team,
I get to work alongside the great team of dogs as well.
Love that bit as much as I love the people I work with.


  1. Lynette Dowsey Ringwood Core8 March 2023 at 23:48

    God bless you Gary. Send my richest Blessings to Julie, she was so kind and caring

  2. You know your a Chistian when you get all the backlash from Satan. I used to praise God when I was harassed by the Devil. It mean that he didn't Have me, otherwise there would no need for him to leave you alone.


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