A hand on my shoulder


Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who was sharing with me the experience he had when on a long walking trek.

He had a guide who was with him on this trek who walked behind him gently supporting him, at times placing a hand on his shoulder and holding him and even preventing him from accidentally tripping or falling over.

As we discussed this experience my friend said to me, there were times when I didn’t sense his hand on me, however …as I think back the hand was always there even if I was not aware of it.

I love this story, and I love that my friend shared it with me.

As I ponder that amazing story, It caused me to think about Faith. 

And the hand of God upon my shoulder and maybe yours also, even if we are not always aware of it.

For the countless times when  I could have fallen or tripped up.

I asked my friend if I could share this story without mentioning names, and even making the spiritual connection. (He said it was ok btw)

Spirituality is about care, deep deep care…its about mercy, love, compassion, kindness and support, it is about the deep hidden places of the soul. 

It is about the secret unknown unshared places in the heart. It is about the unseen God who is present with us every second of every day.  Its about the secret pain, and feelings that only you and God know about.

The fact that He knows us by our name. That he knows all there is to know about us, even if we don’t even know Him yet. 

Its about a hand on our shoulder … not a hand of judgement or condemnation but a hand of care…of love and wanting us to be safe and find our way home.

I could say so much more about my conversation that day…. There were comments that were gold, I have huge respect for this man, and I would dearly love to tell you his name and what he does for a living. But suffice to say that this world is better for people like him, people who care deeply and who want the best for the fellow humans.

In my life these days, I ponder a lot of things… what could have been, what now is…what the future might look like, and the pesky little struggles that surround me from time to time.

And deep down, and maybe deep down in you also…there is a very real sense that I don’t walk the trek of life alone, I have a comforting hand on my shoulder helping me find my way home.

I love that…..  

also… it is about what kind of friend we might be to others around us… are we supportive, or undermining ? Are we a hand on the shoulder type support, or a hand in the middle of the back pushing someone down kind of person ? Have you ever thought about it ? About what kind of support you are to those around you ?

I reckon I have one friend from my previous role who has consistently shown support to me ….I get the phone calls, and invitations for a coffee, which I gladly accept, 

and I also try to phone him. Why wouldn’t I ? 

He has reached out to me, and has been faithful in doing so….. I truly value that. 

 I love that there are people who care, because of who they are and not what the other ( me ) has done. Or the choices I ( we ) have made.  

I want to be that kind of person.  One who provides a steady hand on a shoulder for comfort and care and support.  What about you ?  

I think placing a hand on a shoulder takes effort, it is deliberate …it is intentional, it is thinking of the needs of the other person. It is truly invaluable, especially if you are the one who could fall at any moment on the track.


To my friend/s who share truth with me…thankyou, if you end up reading this.

You are a true hero and legend in my world.

Thanks for everything you do.



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