My personal top 10 Axioms.

My personal Axioms:

I will list them here as I develop and unpack them.... But without a shadow of a doubt my first one is as follows.

1. Pay now, play later....or play now and pay later.
Ok so it's probably not my own original, but is one I have adapted and adopted as my own.
The thrust of it is, if you do the hard yards now, work hard, set the foundations, then later on you can enjoy the rewards.
But if you want the rewards first, then you can, but later on you will pay the price of not setting good foundations in place first, when everything falls over in the end, it will be, because the preparation wasn't done in the first place.
I am trying to live my life with this in process.

More soon( I have a month ) .... :)

2. Every Choice has a Consequence
every choice has a consequence. we think our choices are right, but often we don't find out the outcomes of that, until we see and experience the consequence.  A good choice = a good consequence, and equally so, a bad choice= a bad consequence. I have found this true for my own life and  I have also seen it true in other peoples lives.
What disturbs me in this, is that some(including myself at times) are slow learners and keep making silly choices expecting a good consequence or outcome. which reminds me of another Axiom by another great leader, and that is, "if you keep doing the same thing, then you will keep getting the same result".  hello ?

flowing thick and fast now...

3.  2 ears 1 mouth.
God gave us 2 ears and only one mouth... so we would listen twice as much as we speak. Yet so often its the other way around. we speak up before we have understood. We don't ask enough  questions and then don't listen when the words of wisdom come anyway.
I have learned this one the hard way....but I do observe that many have yet to learn this.
We need to hear, not only those around us, but also listen out for the voice of God, which is often very quiet and requires discipline to discern and hear Him.   Often we are busy asking things of Him and not listening out for His words to our hearts.  Sorry Lord.

4. Purpose over Preference
when we live our lives in Gods purpose over our own personal preferences things start changing. often we see people living in their own personal preference over His purposes, and that is hardly honouring to Him or obedient to Him as well. I don't always win in this. but its nevertheless an axiom of my life for I believe it to be true and the best way to lead church. I want to say a lot about this, but will as I don't bore the reader, however...when we choose sin, its preference(we were born sinners) when we choose Salvation, it is purpose.  When we choose to obey Gods call on our life, attend church, its purpose...when we bag out the worship style or the preaching, its all about preference.  Don't live in preference, choose to live in purpose.It's not about You.  It's always been about HIM. I am trying to live my life this way.

5. No Pain no gain..
another not so original, but nevertheless an axiom of my life. I have learned that everything in life (for me at least) doesn't just come off some silver platter, and that if the hard yards are taken, then the results will come.
its pretty much like that in life for the majority of the population, some unique individuals seem to get things easily but for me and my life and many others I suspect, it still comes with simple hard work, blood, sweat and sometimes, tears.  but with the pain,. comes the gain.   is all good.

6. The main thing is the main thing.
often in life we are distracted and confused by the many and varied options which come our way, I have learned to try and keep the main thing as the main thing. In my case the main thing is Jesus Christ  and His church, and if I keep my focus and energy based on the main thing, the main thing (Jesus) will always be the one winning in my life. For me, its when the main thing becomes the secondary thing that things get cloudy.

7. Garbage in garbage out. (what goes in eventually comes out)
 pretty staright forward really, but for me its true. whatever goes in comes out, and if its garbage then garbage will be the hallmark of your life.  however the flip side is also true, if good stuff is going in, then good stuff will come flowing out.  This ties in specifically with Gary's Axiom 8

8. Heart and mouth (What flows out of your mouth is what is actually in your heart)
whatever is inyour heart, truthfully there, will eventually flow in your life. when we live a lie, that out what is contrary to our heart, its then we really get in trouble, especially when it comes to Christian  faith.  however if Jesus is the one ruling your heart, then Jesus will be the one flowing in your life, and coming out of your mouth(speech) Its when sin is in your heart, and you are trying to talk like it isn't, that things get muddy. and eventually you will trip yourself up.  so..easy fix, get your heart right and the rest will follow.

9. Who I am when I am alone, is who I really am.
(not so much my public image as my personal life is really the truth)
That my public image be shaped, a reflection of/by my inner personal alone time.

God knows.

Being called a hypocrite, for me is the biggest insult and most hurtful, shameful thing anyone could say to me or of me.  That's not to say I get it right and perfect 100% of the time, I know I don't and I don't ever profess that I do. But my deep desire is to live holy before my Lord, when its just He and Me.   Knowing fully well, that also shapes who I am in public.  I still have some work to do here( yep I know it) but its my goal to get it right

10.Early birds catch worms( Murray taught me heaps)
my dad Murray was always early for everything, and whilst that has caused my own family grief and frustration, I have learned as a leader that being early helps me to be well prepared. When the last minute emergency arises,and even when it doesn't, I would always prefer to be early than late, or just on time.
sometimes, I  know I am ridiculously early...that may be because of nerves or maybe even excitement for what it is I am about to do. I have learned though, that i function at my personal best when I am well prepared, that I have crossed every "T" and dotted every "i", in readying myself for the task at hand. I am actually grateful for this Axiom , learned from my earthly  father,    for me...My Heavenly Father deserves the best I can offer, and the best I can offer Him is a well prepared and readied heart, mind and body.

OK then that's my 10 personal Axioms....  I probably could probably list a hundred more.

what are yours ?


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