A few things happening lately.
I don't think I have ever had such a difficult time.... I am well aware of issues where I have been disrespected and disregarded and my ministry count for absolutely nothing... 16 years means nothing to some.... Neither does 11 years of planting, oh well...that's leadership. It's lonely, it's hard, and at times extremely hurtful. But I still choose to stay the course, I still choose to go hard, coz I am not going home. Really when it comes down to it, when a person disrespects you, it is highly possible it is their issue not my own. I do believe though you have to earn respect and loyalty and so if I don't have it from all in my circle then maybe I haven't earned it ? Or... Sigh! oh we'll I am sure you get it. It's sometimes very lonely and as I said previously, hurtful. Look at Jesus, he was more than hurt, more than abandoned and more than disrespected. He was killed. Ridiculed. Spat on. Ignored. He was abused. He was left alone. Betra