Salvos 3064 Brothel Ministry - Can a prostitute be saved ?

Today two of our church ministry staff(leaders) visited a woman whom we met in the brothels. This woman has been on the seamy side of life for a long time, a straight shooter who puts up with no nonsense from anyone.

We have had several home visits with her, discussing many issues, but today we took a message bible, a tract explaining salvation and a book “Ultimate Questions”.  She was so excited to receive her bible. She had previously tried to understand the scriptures but was unable to.

There were several spiritual matters that ****(name withheld) wanted to discuss, some being why people are sick, why people commit suicide, why babies die.   We covered these issues fairly comprehensively, explaining them as simply as we could, to enable her to understand.
This led to the opportunity of asking  *****  if she had given her life to the Lord,      explaining that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can become friends with God until they asked Jesus to come and share their life with them. 

She answered that she had made this commitment, and went on to say she totally believed in Him.
*****'s  daughters and their children arrived and she rushed to take her bible and tracts to put them in a safe place so the daughter wouldn’t take it. Very excitedly she told them ‘I have my own bible now!’  One of the daughters responded by saying ‘We can now read our bibles together.’

When we first met **** at the brothel and also our first few home visits, she was extremely anxious, and behaved in a very nervous/stressed manner. Profuse swearing was a part of her of her conversation. One of the noticeable changes today was her calm manner, no swearing, her seeming ability to be coping with life a lot better. 

**** no longer works in the brothel. 

The question we ask much of an influence have we had in her life? We have prayed for ladies to leave the brothel; her parents are soldiers in an army corps, they would be praying for her. 

We believe with all our hearts that the brothel ministry has played a part in the answer to her parent’s prayers for her.  

(thanks Noels and Lisa for the report, which I have modified to keep confidentiality and privacy )

....You know, when we started this outreach ministry, I was skeptical, cautious and wary of what effect we may eventually have if any in such  a seedy place. And here we are today another new soul saved and family added into the Kingdom of God.

I firmly believe that we as the Salvation Army need to be exactly that...the Army of Salvation...going into battle in places where our enemy has strongholds.  going in and rescuing people from the hold that Satan has.  But I am also aware that it is risky business and the stakes are very high.   

That wont stop this church and this church leader though.... in prayer and in worship and in Praise of our God, we will win.    We will win when we fight for the King.

We are praying earnestly that these people(newly saved) come to church and join us, but even if they don't, they are saved today, and that is awesome.

Church is often so judgmental. 
All churches are guilty of that at some time or the other.

Jesus is trusting our church with some pretty interesting people these days, I pray we will be faithful with the souls He is entrusting to us, that we may be trusted with hundreds more as result of our faithfulness in leading the ones He brings straight to Him.

We love Him in this place.  I love Him with all my heart.  

I pray this article may encourage you and bless your socks off.


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