Unbelievable isnt it ?
2012 has started and 2011 finished...
as quick as 2011 came she went...
and I am geussing it will be a bit like that this year too.

does anyone out there want to join me in saying,...screaming...... slow down..... !!!!!!!!!!!

I dont think all the yelling and screaming on the entire planet will slow anything like "time" down...

so I think we need to make the most of the time that we have.

some say ..live for the moment, maybe it might be better to live for the Lord. Making the most of every opportunity given to us.

its a big year for us...Julie is about to leave for ICO,(3 months away) we are staff depleted at church and the pressure is on, really on... ( well I think it feels like its on, for me at least)  new challenges are coming my way every day at the moment, the latest a great privilege...serving on a THQ council/board for the next 12 months.... but I can honestly say, if we ( I ) am not smart this year,  I could get into trouble with the impending amount of workload on my plate, doing the work of 3 officers for 3 months in our church ....Julie gone. lost our Assistant, and one of our key admin workers out of the office for 20 weeks...

so I am now looking for how God will move in these situations.... who He will bring alongside to help.

I expect He will.  I have asked Him, He has never failed me before.  Not expecting him to fail this time either.

and then amongst it is the fresh challenges sitting fair and square on my plate... and I am excited about that.

Supernatural Sunday nights....I cant wait to see God do His thing, as we wait upon Him.
as we wait upon Him we will grow stronger.....He will be glorified amongst us.
and of course there is  the usual challenges of running a great growing church...

it will be busy and time will fly by very quickly.... I will have a month holiday in Europe.... and then the year will unfold its mystery's and blessings.

2012 looks like being my best year yet...   hope you will join me in it.



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